Chapter 43

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Daddy.! Daddy.! A voice giggled around me. I was surrounded by a bunch of light but it felt pure around me. It felt like excitement and stress free. "Daddy!." The voice called out again. I looked all around but no one was around me. "Down here daddy.!" A sweet voice said. This time it sounded so close to me. A beautiful little girl appeared in front of me. She had the biggest smile. Long sandy brown hair like mine. She had grayish greenish eyes like mine. She looked like Magic. So beautiful.!

What are you doing here daddy.?! She giggled reaching up for me to pick her up. Some how some way I knew this was my daughter.

I kneeled down to her and she hugged me so tight. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.

Are you coming to get me early.? She asked confused but so happy.

I don't know what I'm doing here.

Your not suppose to be here.! She giggled looking up. "Okay I'll tell him.!" She giggled smiling sitting in front of me. She said it's not your time daddy.! Mommy's sad with out you.!

Who said that.? I asked looking up.

The beautiful ladies right up there.! She giggled, pointing up but i didn't see anything.

You see mommy.?

Yes.! I'm in her tummy she's crying.!

Can you tell mommy to stop crying for me.! I asked with tears in my eyes.

Yeah.! She stood to her feet and started to run around playing and laughing and smiling. But than she got sad and came walking back
Over to me with tears in her eyes.

What's wrong baby.?

It's not working mommy is really sad.! Her heart hurts.! She said crying she placed her hand on my face and I could literally feel all of Magic's pain. She was crying so hard. She was screaming to the top of her lungs. She was beyond hurt. She felt like she was dieing. My death was taking a toll on her. She took her hands off my face and looked at me.

You can feel that too.?

Yes and it's making me sad daddy.! Please help mommy.! She said in the cutest voice ever. I know she would of got anything she wanted from me.

I am baby.!

Oweee daddy look.! Her face lit up as light bubbles danced around us. In the bubbles was images of me and Magic. It was our wedding, pictures and memories and video clips from it danced around. Also memories from our life in general, Magic giving birth, us playing around, even us fighting. It was so many family moments in here too. "This is my favorite.!" She said grabbing the bubble and squeezing it. It was me and her sleeping in the crib together. She was curled up under my arm holding her teddy bear. And Magic stood in the door way with the biggest heart warming smile on her face.

Daddy the angles say you have to go now.! She said sadly.

Go where.!?

Back to mommy.! Your going to make her happy again.! The angles said it's not no where near your time and you have to go back because you have unfinished business. And mommy needs you really bad.! She smiled standing to her feet as the bubbles disappeared.

I promise I'm gonna make mommy happy again okay.!

Okay.! She smiled rinkling her nose on mine making me laugh. "Tell mommy I like Majesty.!" She giggled jumping into my arms.
She started to morth down sizes quick and in a matter of seconds she was a baby in my arms. I can't believe I'm seeing what my beautiful baby girl is going to look like.

She disappeared out my arms and I started to disappear too like I was being sucked out of something.


Heyy sir can you hear me.? Voice all around me was so loud.

We have a heart beat.! A lady voice said.

Get him up to emergency surgery prep for a blood transfusion stat.! Another voice said.

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