Chapter 68

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Dada dada dada.!!! Majesty cried with her hands in her mouth. She was being so fussy and would not go to sleep. It's was almost one in the morning. She was driving me crazy. How the hell was I gonna have 9 month old and two new borns in diapers I swear I didn't think nun of this through.

I grabbed the baby oral gel and put some on her gums so her gums could stop hurting because she was teething bad. That only soothed her for a moment. I sat in the rocking chair taking my bra off to nurse her. My nipples was so sore.

I wanted to breast feed the twins but how was I gonna get her off my boobs.? She took a bottle sometimes most times it was me.

I changed her and tried to rock her to sleep. But nothing was working. She sat in her crib crying and screaming to the top of her lungs.

Majesty lay down baby.! I tried rubbing her stomach. At this point I wanted to cry too.

I started to feel some pain in my back. I needed to sit down bad.

What's wrong daddy baby.?! Martavion smiled as he came into her room. He picked her up and her little cries went away as he rocked her and patted her back. I got up to leave them two too be. He talked about being in the twins face so much as if Majesty was gonna let that happen. She had him wrapped around her little finger it was too cute. I went to the bathroom and ran a hot bath. I just wanted to relax I was so extremely stressed out. I don't think I was ready for another baby yet alone two.

Majesty wasn't even one yet and here I am pregnant as hell about to give birth in a month. I know babies are blessings and all but I'm way over my head.

I seen black today.! Martavion said coming into the bathroom. He was kinda mad and I wasn't in the right state of mind to get yelled at right now.

I can explain.....

Magic I told you no and you went and did it after I told you not too.

I know but baby I was scared.

Of what.?

Not being able to hold down the house, the kids , and you while your in jail. I just needed something to cover our asses now look we are the connect and niggas gotta pay you whatever to get whatever. All I was thinking about was making sure I could hold everything down by myself for however long.

I respect that I do Mag but I just worry that I couldn't protect you. I'm glad you made that boss move though because it's way more than what he told you.

Like what.?

We can talk about it another time....

Does it have to do with him being your dad.?

How do you know that....? He questioned concerned.

I put two and two together Martavion what's the secret.? All your brothers look like papa jackson except look exactly like Black.

Yeah he's my real father.....

How.?! Like what happened....

I can't believe I'm bouta tell you this.! He sighed sitting back. "My mom had an affair on papa with Black. Because she was tryna hurt my dad for hurting her. She ended up pregnant and black wanted more than just sex from her but my mom wasn't ready to leave papa. A whole war with black and papa broke out and they wanted each other dead. They ran in each other's traps and hoods trying to take over each other's territory's and shit. My mom told Black if he loved her enough he would let her go. So he did and he became the biggest drug lord in the south and Mexico. Her and papa agreed to raise me as his own. He hated my mom so bad but once she had me it changed him. He didn't treat me any differently, he fell in love with me as his son. He wanted another son so bad and I was it for him. I was the baby.! As I got older and into the drug game I always felt like I was being watched and I always got random ass gifts for my birthday and Christmas and large sums of money nobody knew where it came from. That summer when I was 16 and moved into my own house I started to get sick and ended up needing a blood transfusion, member.?! (I nodded my head yeah) well as you know nobody in my family was a match or had O+ blood as you know. And that's when my mom and papa agreed to call Black. He donated some blood to me. I wanted to know who was the man who looked exactly like me. They told me to not worry about him he was a nobody but i knew he had to be somebody. For him to only be the only person with O+ blood and nun my family could help me was so strange. I seen his name was Martavious Black and his address on a file after he was done donating blood. When I got out the hospital I went to the address I remembered and some lady answered the door which who was his wife. That's when I met my father. He learned I was in the drug game and always kicked knowledge to me putting me on to different shit. He always said since he couldn't influence me to get out he would teach me the ways to rule in it. Between him and papa they taught me everything I know. They are two of the best lords in the world. My mom doesn't know that I ever met him and he's been in my life since that summer that's why I never let anybody know who the connect was. I don't know what my parents would do if they find out after all these years.

Wow Martavion I don't know what to say....

Yeah it's a lot nobody knows that Mag.

Thank you for sharing that secret with me.

Thank you for being here for me.! I sat up and kissed him. "Your secrets are always safe with me!." I said against his lips.

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