18. Better Than Any Brit

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[ edited 6 Dec 2015 ]

There are certain expectations one would naturally have when they first went to a movie set.

One of which would be running into an internationally renowned celebrity like Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt. Another expectation would be getting to splurge on the catering provided. And one would be the high end action that is making a movie, the work that went on behind what was displayed on the big screen. There would be suspense and the thrill of watching everything from a different perspective and knowing things that an average viewer wouldn't know. Then there was also the big reveal to why it didn't day a week at most to film something that ran for at most two hours.

However, what one wouldn't expect was the fact that those big name movie stars and celebs only showed up once in a blue moon. They didn't exactly wander around willy dilly like normal B-listers. No one also expected that catering wasn't that impressive. Everyone knew a great place to eat in the city, so the production company didn't really see the need to a full out buffet. And they also didn't expect to spend an entire day watching the same thirty second scene being done over and over again until the director felt he'd gotten his best work.

Tuesday, for example was the first day of filming. My alarm went off at four in the morning, and I drowsily got up and got ready.

Declan aka The Director had informed us yesterday that he expected the main cast to be there at five thirty. Filming was going to start at eight officially but he said he needed us there early so we could get into character.

So by five twenty, everyone was in the main room, with the green screen at the back and getting psyched.

Dylan sat to my right, with surprise surprise shades on, even though no sun was out yet. He was listening to something with his earphones, and silently mouthing words like a crazy person as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

Tyler who looked like he would rather be anywhere else was in the dark corner, his beanie pulled down to cover his eyes. Amelia was busy memorizing her lines. She was playing Ethan's cheating fiancée. The guy playing Ethan's best friend and was cheating with his girlfriend behind his back sat on my left and he was busy doing something on his phone.

Declan had gone out to grab some blankets. Apparently he hadn't expected it to be this cold.

I was busy playing Candy Crush on the phone. I was at level 124 but I couldn't quite finish it without using up all my lives.

Stupid, addictive game!

The guy on my left let out a scream then danced like maniac.

I looked at him. He was a crazy one!

"Uhmmm... Did you just win a lottery?" I asked. That was the only reasonable explanation for his show of glee.

He looked at me and his face flushed red instantly before he sat back down.

"Uhhmmm... No. I'm not that lucky," he replied. He had an British accent.

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