22. Camaro Ride Inquisition

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Ding! Ding! Ding!

Another update!!!

Thanks for voting like crazy guys!!! :) Sorry this is not that long! But if you comment more than 7 times, I'll update tomorrow!!! So no hate please! :)

800 votes!!!! and here I thought no one would read!!!! or that I'll get past 200!!!

last time I checked we've reached #301!!!!! On Teen Fiction!!! Arghhh!!!! :) :) :)

please vote comment promote and follow!!!!




[ edited 6 Dec 2015 ]

During third grade, when we were told by our teacher to bring in our fathers for 'Father and Daughter Day' I didn't want to. I didn't want to for many reasons but the one that stood out was that I'd just learnt the summer before that my dad wasn't my dad, biologically at least, and I didn't know whether the teacher wanted out adopted dad or our real one.

That night during supper, I asked mom and dad, curious of their answer. Dad didn't say anything. He was speechless. And I could even see that he was upset over my question although he didn't say it out loud. He did that thing where his right eye would twitch and his fingers curled up into a fist.

I was still too young to understand why he would be upset over my question.

Mom was the one who answered, chuckling to soothe the tense atmosphere. "Of course you should bring your father," she said, before placing her hand on dad's curled fist, and rubbing it.

The idiot of a kid me decided to prick my father's heart just a little bit more. "Why not my real father?"

Mom frowned slightly before brushing it off. "He's nothing, Alex. Nothing. As far as you're concerned he doesn't exist," she replied, her voice shaky and snappy. "And he will remain that way. Do you understand?"


"Do you understand?"

I nodded.

As we drove towards the restaurant we were having dinner at, I replayed the words mom said so long ago.

Our somewhat short conversations with my mother was lately tense. She understandably didn't like the idea that, one, I decided to stay back in LA for the summer, two, I was pursuing acting, just like Flynn Mathers, and three, there was a high possibility that I would run into Flynn Mathers.

I had brushed off her worries, stating that Flynn Mathers would have been too busy filming another hit or vacationing in Fiji. I, at the time didn't know whether my statements were true, because, one, I didn't give a cat's ass about what Flynn Mathers was up to, and two, it just made it all the more real that he was closer than ever now.

If only I had listened to mom by thinking twice about coming here to surprise James.

'He will remain nonexistent. He will remain nonexistent. He is only the executive producer. That's it. Only the executive producer.' These words didn't calm me down in the slightest. Instead my stupid common sense kicked in and made me refuse to believe that lie. 'He does exist. You are going to meet him now. Heck, you'll be sharing a meal with him. And he is also your father. Your real, biological father. You share half of his DNA!'

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