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"Babe, where's my gold watch? The one with the brown-" Knox called out but I cut him off.

"It's on the bedside table. You dropped it on the floor earlier." I told him in a monotone.

Resisting the urge to shake my head, I focused on applying my makeup. Any lapse in concentration and I would mess the whole damn thing up and I wasn't about to go into work looking like a clown straight from the circus.

"Thanks, babe." Knox said as he entered the room and headed to the aforementioned table.

I responded with a curt nod. I used to find it cute how without me Knox would be a mess. He wasn't exactly the most organized person and I had somewhat of an OCD so I thought we were perfect opposites. However, at some point down the line, his little habits became my pet peeves and I sometimes felt like I was responsible for a toddler who had no clue how to take care of himself or his environment. It wasn't a feeling I encouraged, but it was there regardless of how I tried not to allow it cloud my judgement.

Knox came to stand in front of me, spreading his hands wide apart as he allowed me a good look of his outfit. He had on a gray crew neck shirt, faded black jeans, a dark brown bomber jacket, and a wide, boyish grin on his face. "How do I look?"

Amusement graced my features as I took him in. My mind went back to when we'd first started dating, I thought Knox was the hottest man to walk this earth. Somewhere down the line, that notion faded slightly as something became wedged between us and our relationship grew distant. But staring into the steely gray eyes that I loved so much, I was reminded of what made me fall in love with this man in the first place.

I leaned in and pressed my lips on his. Knox was mildly surprised at first, I could tell from his pause, but he looked into my eyes before he took my lips in a salacious kiss. "You look edible." I whispered against his lips and he gave me a devilish grin as his hands settled on my hips, squeezing lightly.

"Maybe I'll let you have a taste. That is, if you're a good girl." He played along before leaning in to kiss me one more time. "Today is a huge day."

He was nervous, that much was obvious from the way he couldn't stay still. At the construction company he worked for, the big boss would be coming in today and Knox strongly hoped to make an impression. A good enough one to get the promotion that he has had his eyes on since he was employed there. I wanted that for him too, for us.

Sparing the gold watch that was now wrapped around his wrist a glance, he released a breath before turning to leave. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck," I said right before our bedroom door closed behind him.

Going into work for my first full month was dreadful. Namely because sometime between now and a week ago, something of some sorts had crawled up Ryder's ass and died there. A very painful death. I was slowly beginning to get a first class view as to why he changed assistants as he did his women. And boy does he change his women.

I'd vowed to myself to never complain, however, choosing instead to chant my mantra whenever my boss was in a mood and acting like a corporate dick.

Incredible pay.
Great health benefits.
Bomb office.

After the breakfast we'd had at The Loft, I had began to see him in a different light. More as a person than this bigger than life persona he seemed to carry around like a shield. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to see him as anything other than an asshole these days. For someone so damn handsome, his character was quite nothing to write about. But I was a fool to expect anything less after all that I've heard about the man.

Brittney was not at her desk when I arrived, her replacement —Des, I think— seating at her place instead and I made a mental note to call later to check in on her as I boarded the elevator to the 53rd floor, careful to balance the two cups of Starbucks coffee in my hands.

The Personal AffairTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang