47. Thursday Week Twenty (the negotiation.)

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47. Thursday Week Twenty (the negotiation.)

Everyone on my side of the table stood up as abruptly as I had. But no one dared utter a word. My mouth parted as my breathing became heavy, fear and anxiety became prevalent in my mind.

I locked eyes with my Nan, "it's gonna be fine."

Cowardly was how I felt as I realised that I couldn't look at Tyler all bound up and being carried in the arms of the boy who had caused me more pain than anyone in the world.

"And how could you possibly know that Rei-bear," Marcus taunted.

"Fuck you, Marcus."

All he did was smile as if I had given him the exact reaction he wanted.

"You fucking asshole," Eli growled at his father.

My eyes looked back over to Mikael, "I'll leave, I'll go as far away from here as possible, I swear I'll do whatever the fuck you want if you just let them go."

Mikael's head tilted to the side in contemplation, "I want Vincent for starters. He may be a prick but he does well at getting the messy jobs done."

Dante immediately left the club to go and get Vincent from the others who were waiting outside. Within minutes he was back with Vincent blindfolded and his arms tied behind his back.

"Here," Dante roughly shoved Vincent forward causing him to stumble on his feet.

Mikael nodded at Marcus, "give them the boy."

Tyler's arms were released and his gag removed. The second he was free he sprinted across the room and jumped into my arms.

I cocooned him in my embrace and buried my face into his tiny shoulder, disregarding the fact that I was soaking his little hoodie in tears. Pulling away I assessed his face and using the hand that wasn't holding him, I wiped the tears from his cheeks and kissed his forehead as many times as I could.

"Okay, baby, I need you to go with Noah, okay? It's going to fine, he's going to look after you."

Just like I knew he would be, Noah was already stood by my side, his arms open and ready to take my little brother somewhere safe.

Feeling a sense of relief, I passed Tyler to him. Noah's arms tightened around him securely and I knew that he was going to look after him. He reached for me next, pulling me into a hug.

"Please be safe, Reillyn, I love you, okay?" He whispered into my ear and I clenched my arms around him tightly to tell him I would be.

With one final kiss to my forehead, they were off and released a breath of air before turning back around and surveying the scene laid before me.

"What do you want, Mikael?" Cayd asked

"You know, it's so great having the upper hand," he casually spoke, still reclining in his chair, "why don't you all sit back down so we can talk calmly about this?"

Eli's hand slammed on the table again, "let her go, now, Mikael. We'll stop attacking you, hell, I'll start fighting for you again and you can have all the profits from it. I don't give a fuck, just let her go."

Mikael smiled at him before speaking calmly, "I will," and then his voice rose as he yelled, "as soon as you sit the fuck down and listen to what I have to say."

I reached out and gripped Eli's arm in my own, tugging on it and silently willing him to do as his father said.

"Great," Mikael clapped his hands together, "now that all the drama is out of the way, why don't we talk deals? It's quite simple really. In return for your grandmother, I want you to leave the state and not come back, much in the same way I agreed to do earlier."

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