Chapter 20

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Lex sighed as she made her way back into the house. It had been light out when she left, but by now the sun was long gone. She knew that she had overreacted, but in her defense, everyone was driving her out of her mind with their constant arguing and she didn't have the best temper. Still, she wasn't going to apologize to anyone for her outburst. Sometimes people needed to be yelled at.

Much to her relief, no one said a word when she walked in. Sure, the silence was a little awkward, but it was better than confronting their feelings. She made her way back to where Rosalie was standing protectively over a sleeping Bella. The rest of the Cullens were in the room— just like they always seemed to be these days.

"When was the last time you ate?" Lex asked, noticing that Rosalie's usually topaz colored eyes were nearly black.

"I'm fine," Rosalie replied quietly.

"I didn't ask how you were doing," Lex snarked. "When was the last time you ate?"

Rosalie didn't say anything, but the look on her face told Lex that it had been a while.

"Rosalie and I are going hunting," Lex announced to the room.

"No we aren't," Rosalie argued. She had to be here to protect the baby. She was the only one, other than Bella, who genuinely wanted this baby to be alright. If she left, and something happened, she would never be able to forgive herself. Rosalie wasn't sure that she could trust the rest of her coven at the moment. As awful as that sounded, she didn't know for sure that the others wouldn't try something while she was gone. Bella was only a human— a sick one at that. She wouldn't be able to protect herself if something happened.

"You have to take care of yourself, Rosalie," Lex murmured.

"I have to take care of the baby," she fired back.

"You can't do that if you're starving yourself," the dark haired girl responded. "Look, Emmett will be here— he'll protect the baby."

Lex gave Emmett a pointed look, and he chimed in. "Yeah, I'll be right here."

Emmett was one of the only people who wasn't giving Bella shit about her decision. He seemed to have a similar view to Lex— it's not the choice that Emmett would have made if he had been in that situation, but it wasn't any of his business what Bella did with her body.

Reluctantly, Rosalie allowed Lex to pull her out of the room.

"You don't have to come with me, you know," Rosalie said. Honestly, she wished that Lex would stay and watch over Bella and the baby, but she knew that it was unlikely— Lex was incredibly protective over Rosalie. She suspected it had a lot to do with the way Lex's life as a vampire had begun.

"I want to," Lex replied. The two vampires took off running in search of Rosalie's next meal. Within minutes, the sound of heartbeats and hooves filled their ears— it was a herd of deer. Lex waited patiently as Rosalie hunted.

Rosalie was a graceful hunter. Well, most vampires were pretty graceful, but they truly had nothing on Rosalie Hale. She made the whole process look almost beautiful as she leapt through the air with ease and trapped her prey. The sound of bone cracking echoed through the trees as Rosalie snapped its neck and began to feed.

"Let's go home," Rosalie said, wiping her hands on her jeans.

"Can we just take a second, please?" Lex said. "I feel like I haven't gotten to talk to you since Bella came home."

"We've literally been in the house together for weeks," Rosalie retorted. "Except for earlier today when you took off, and totally left me all by myself."

Lex gave her an unamused look. "You know what I meant— we haven't spent any real time together. And don't act like you didn't want to take off too."

"That's the thing," Rosalie replied. "I didn't take off."

"I thought it would be better than ripping heads off," Lex shrugged. "Look, can we just take like fifteen minutes to just take a break from everything? I don't want to fight— especially since that's all anyone has been doing lately."

"Okay," Rosalie agreed. She had to admit, things had been tough lately, and it had been getting to her. Neither Lex nor Rosalie wanted their relationship to be affected by Edward and Bella's whole situation. "But can we get away from Bambi's mom?" she gestured at the abandoned deer carcass.

"Yeah," Lex snorted. "Let's get out of here."

They took off running in the direction of the clearing that they liked to hang out in. It wasn't much, but Lex liked to think of it as 'their spot.' Some of her fondest memories took place in this clearing.

Lex plopped herself down on the ground, Rosalie following close behind her.

"Do you think things will always be like this?" Lex sighed as she looked up at the stars.

"I hope not," Rosalie replied.

"What do you think life is gonna look like in twenty years?" Lex asked. They had never really seriously talked about their future. Their immortality meant that they had forever to figure it out, but in this moment, Lex's mind was filled with questions.

Rosalie took a moment to think about it. "Well, we'll go to school in a different town. Maybe Oregon or Connecticut— somewhere cloudy. And we'll definitely still have to deal with stupid crap— probably because of Bella.... And we'll be married."

"Married?" Lex asked as she arched an eyebrow at Rosalie.

"Of course," Rosalie grinned. "If we're going to spend the rest of our lives together, I'm going to call you my wife... Plus, I want a beautiful wedding with tons of flowers and twinkly lights."

"What else?" Lex asked. Her heart soared as she watched Rosalie's face light up for the first time in weeks.

Rosalie hummed pensively. "I want a ballgown with lace, but I don't want it to be too poofy— I don't want to look like a cupcake or anything. And I don't want a veil."

Lex smiled. "You're going to make such a beautiful bride."

"You are too," Rosalie said as she placed a tender kiss on Lex's lips.

"Where are we going on our honeymoon?" Lex asked as they pulled away.

"France," Rosalie said. "I know it's sunny there, but I've always wanted to go. And if Edward and Bella can go to Brazil, we can go to France... Besides it's not like we're going to leave the room much anyway."

"Rosalie Hale," Lex fake gasped as she placed a hand over her heart. In a more serious tone she added, "I've always wanted to go to France too... And Canada— I've always wanted to see the Northern lights."

Rosalie chuckled. "We live like two hundred miles from the Canadian border, and you've never been to Canada? You'd only have to run for an hour or two."

"Maybe we can go together once this is all over," Lex said. "We can get a cabin or something for a couple of weeks and watch the lights and eat a moose or something."

Rosalie chuckled. "Sounds like a plan. We can do it once we're sure that the baby is safe."

"Promise?" Lex held out her pinky. Rosalie linked their pinkies together.

"I promise," she replied. With that, they got up and hurried back to the house, feeling lighter than they had when they had left.


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it's late! I took Saturday off to celebrate the election results, and I tried so hard to update on Sunday, but my cat got stuck inside of the couch (I honestly don't know how she managed that lol, but she's totally fine!), and when I tried to finish the chapter in the afternoon, a family member called me and I was on the phone for hours, and I still had homework, so it just didn't work out. Anyway, thank you so much for reading!!! Let me know if there's anything you guys want to see in future chapters!

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