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pablo woke up in a velvet lounge chair, he looked around and saw all the beautiful renaissance paintings hanging on the walls of the room he was confined in.

"did i die" he asked out into the room because he was delusional and thought someone would answer... but someone did

"yeah, your in hell now" the voice was deep and hot, like the father you never had kinda hot or the sexy history teacher that would make everyone uncomfortable but in a good way kind of hot

"who are you" pablo replied in his small sub voice, the one that made his old lover austin aroused 

"i'm the devil, i'm satan" the voice said in a deeper tone making pablo shake with anticipation

"i thought hell was going to be worse than this" pablo said keeping his tone the same

"yeah that's what the angels want you to think, really it's pretty cool down here but up there is a bunch of racist republicans and gummy helpless fetuses, because they deserve a spot up in heaven i guess they don't even do anything they just lay around on top of each other like those red bubbles in those pop the bubbles games your mom and grandpa play i mean if they got sent down here my minions could ear for years but god thinks they belong with him so we compromised on him getting the fetuses and i get to have all the gays who turned their trauma into humor... you guys are the best btw anyways there really are no rules here all the really bad people get separated from the rest and they have already killed each other so you really only have to worry about the kids who would watch their parents sleep and you should be fine"

"excuse me mr satan... is there anyway i can be resurrected?" pablo said in the most convincing voice and immediately satan folded and explained him the way to get back to earth

"yes, i'm not sure why you want to go back but all you have to do is absorb my magic seamen and it will send you back, that means though you have to let me fuck you.. it's kinda funny if you've seen people you thought you recognized or the conspiracy theories that think certain celebrities never died and i mean they did but they just hopped on this dick and went back, pretty cool right??" satan said walking into the room pablo was in

satan and dull dark red skin and the most hit and sexy toned face and abs, he was tall with dark hair and he had long spirals horns
"are you looking to fuck me pablo?" he asked bending down over the timid penguin grabbing his jaw making him keep eye contact

"y-yes satan i am, do you think my bussy is big enough though?" pablo said rising his beak close to satans lips

"only one way to find out" satan said grinning

in that moment he flipped pablo into his back and spread his hot penguin legs to reveal a throbbing perfectly wet penguin bussy "i'm going to fuck you so had pablo"

satan reached down and took out his rock hard 13 inch horse cock and rammed it into pablo

each thrust felt like the best thing in the whole wide world and pablo could feel each vein on satans dick run against his supple bussy

in and out in and out satan showed no hesitations towards what he wanted and he watched with pleasure at pablos squirms
"good penguin"

pablo felt his bussy tightened and he moaned "SATAN IM GOINH TO CUuu-" and just like that pablo felt his liquids release and he felt the hose of satans cock released his magic cum deep into pablo.

pablo felt sparkly and he looked down and saw he was turning transparent

"thank you pablo" satan said watching him go back to earth "come back soon ok" he sighed and watched pablo fade back to earth

"thank you satan....." and just like that pablo was resurrected

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