chapter three

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"What's a nanny, daddy?" Grant asked while munching on a Rice Krispy treat

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"What's a nanny, daddy?" Grant asked while munching on a Rice Krispy treat.

Daniel looked away from his work and closed his laptop. "A nanny is like a teacher, but she lives with you and cooks for you," He explained in the best way he could.

Ms. Baker was due at the Watts household within the hour, and Daniel wanted to ensure his kids knew what was happening. Though, he had explained the day he hired her.

Grant gripped his teddy bear and walked over to his daddy. Daniel picked him up and placed him on his lap. "Is she nice? She's not gonna hit us, is she?" Grant asked with wide, curious eyes.

Daniel sighed and kissed his son's head. Grant's experiences with teachers weren't the best, and he hoped that he took to Ms. Baker well. "She's very nice, and I would never let anyone hurt you. Always remember that," He promised.

Gianna came running from her bedroom with a fairy wand and a tulle skirt to match. "Daddy! Is the nanny here yet? I want to show her my pretty outfit! I hope she doesn't think I'm a real fairy," She giggled and jumped on the couch.

Daniel laughed and got up from the table with Grant in his arms. "She's on her way, and I promise to let her know that you're a real little girl," He assured his sweet little girl.

Gianna rolled over onto her back and kicked her legs in the air. "Okay!" She beamed and fluttered her eyelashes.

'knock, knock,'

Gianna shot up from the couch and ran to the door. "She's here! Daddy, she's here!" She squealed with excitement, but she waited for her daddy to come and open the door.

Daniel placed Grant on the couch and walked to the door. "I know, sweetie. You go sit next to your brother, and I'll let her in," He said while kneeling to her height.

Gianna nodded and skipped to the couch.

Daniel took a deep breath and opened the door. "Goodness," He whispered once he saw Ms. Baker.

She was even more beautiful than before. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she sported a huge smile. "Hi, Mr. Watts!" She waved.

Daniel moved away from the door to let her in. "Good afternoon, Ms. Baker. Come in. My children are very excited to meet you," He said, and she walked in.

Ms. Baker looked around the living room, and her smile grew even wider when she noticed the two little angels on the couch.

"Gianna, Grant, this is Ms. Baker. She's going to be your new nanny," He said, and Gianna waved her wand at Ms. Baker.

With a twirl and a whirl, Gianna was in front of Ms. Baker, and she curtsied. "Hello! I'm not a fairy. I'm actually a human girl!" She gushed and gazed at the pretty lady. "You're beautiful, Ms. Baker! Are you a princess?" She asked innocently, making Daniel smile.

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