chapter twenty

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"Snickerdoodle, we didn't expect to see you so soon!" Skylar hugged Tyra as she walked in the door with her luggage in hand

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"Snickerdoodle, we didn't expect to see you so soon!" Skylar hugged Tyra as she walked in the door with her luggage in hand.

Tyra inhaled her paw paw's scent and smiled. "I didn't expect to be back so soon either," She murmured and kissed his cheek. "Where's grammy?"

Skylar chuckled and led her to the living room. "She's just upstairs cleaning your room," He told her.

She put her luggage down and bit her lip. "I guess I'll let her know not to do a deep cleanse," She laughed softly and sat on the couch. "Grammy! I'm back! Don't clean too hard!" She yelled and then leaned back on the couch.

"So what brings you here?" Skylar asked and wrapped his arm around Tyra's shoulder.

Tyra sighed and pursed her lips. Where could she start? "I'll just be honest. The man I'm working for, we went on a date and he's shown so much interest in me, he's even told me that I'm the best thing that's happened to him," She squeezed her paw paw's arm. "But when I got home, h--he was kissing some woman," She said sadly. "I was so hurt and upset, so I went to Yasmin's house. I stayed the night, but in the morning she told me that I should let him explain. I don't think I can do that."

"Wow, snickerdoodle. Your love life is crazier than an episode of Judge Judy!" Skylar said to lighten the mood.

Tyra laughed and shoved his arm. "Paw Paw, you're supposed to give me some advice, not tell me how crazy my life is," She sassed.

"I know, but I don't know what to tell you. You're a growing girl and you're beyond wise enough to make your own decisions. I would only say, don't let fear keep you from living the life you deserve. We're supposed to go through trials in life, that's just how it works! But, we're only given trials to see where we'll run. Do you run away from the trouble? Or will you face your trouble and ask Jesus to guide you?" He asked and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry, I know that the decision you make will be the right one," He hummed.

"Thanks, paw paw," She smiled and turned her phone back on. She had turned it off after leaving Yasmin's house since she didn't want Yasmin to make her change her mind.

Her eyes widened at the number of notifications that popped up. There were four messages from Yasmin, along with a missing call from her.

She continued looking through the notifications until one caught her eye.

"Omg," She whispered breathlessly.

Mr. Watts:

I love you.

Her phone slipped from her hands and fell off the couch.

She didn't know what to think. He loved her, but what if he was lying? What if he was only saying that just to confuse her? If he loved her, he would've told her that before he kissed that woman.

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