Chapter 20

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After the party, everyone thinks that I'm Theo's girlfriend, which is weird because other than during school, we don't really talk. It's honestly pretty tiring talking to someone everyday anyways. I don't understand how couples can talk on the phone for seven hours straight.

Sometimes, I meet up with Mrs. Bernstein at the assisted living center where she moved a couple years ago. Ever since she moved out of the neighborhood, it's been hard to see her.

She liked hearing about the fight. Now, she's more interested in "the boys in my life." I unwrap a butterscotch candy as I tell her about Nico living with me. She's the only one that knows.

"Oh yes, the Accardi boy. Do you have a picture of him?" Smirking slightly, I pull out my phone and show her some of the photos he felt free to take on my phone. She smiles. "He was always so handsome."

"That's why I told you he's a player," I remind her.

She smiles softly. "He's a good boy. Just a little reckless."

"Too reckless," I say. "He's like a little kid. He makes me feel like a little kid."

She chuckles. "And what's so wrong with that?"

I purse my lips. "It's dangerous, you know. To be so carefree. I mean, how can someone be that happy and joking all the time? It's not natural."

"That boy always hid his feelings with humor. You, you're a fighter. Whenever your dad left you at home, you would learn to cook and clean for yourself. When he was left alone, he compensated by trying to make everyone else around him happy," she says wisely.

I turn silent. "I never thought about it like that," I admit.

Mrs. Bernstein smiles. "You've been good to him." She adjusts her seat. "Now, tell me about this Theo boy."

"Theo?" I say. "Theo... is my desk partner. He thinks that I'm really social and stuff, which is weird, but I guess it's nice."

"Do you like him?" she asks.

"I think he's cool," I say. "I don't like his friends but he seems different."

She grimaces. "You know they say that the five people you surround yourself with shape who you are."

"That's true..." I say. Do I even have five friends, though? What does that say about me?

"Well, I say get to know these boys better. You deserve some romance in your life. Why have one boyfriend when you can have three?"

I laugh and she hands me a handful of candies, a signal that she's ready to nap.

"Thanks for coming by, dear," she says.

"I'll see you soon," I say as she wraps me in a hug. It's time to go home.

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