Chapter 30

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When we walk into the dance, it looks like Cupid threw up on our gym. The thought of a big baby cupid looking green makes me smirk. That might make a cool sticker.

When I catch Theo's eye, his hand is on some freshman's ass. Huh, I guess he does mess around with freshmen after all. Looks like Brian actually told the truth for once.

Nico is talking with his friends, slapping each other on the back and smiling, but when he catches my eye, he leaves them. "Stop doing that," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Whatever you're doing that's making every guy in the room stare at you."

I can't help it. I let out a laugh.

"What?" he demands, narrowing his eyes at me.

I press my lips together. "It's just... You're kind of cute when you're jealous."

"Jealous?" he repeats incredulously. "Of who?"

"You tell me."

We spend the night with our friends. The thing I appreciate about dances is you can spend a whole year in class with someone, never talk to them, and then the night of the dance, all party together like you've known each other for centuries. Nico's friend group is fun. Even the Soundcloud rapper knows how to dance.

I spend a considerable amount of time at the chocolate fountain with Nico. My face probably has chocolate on it and my hair is a sweaty mess but he continues to stare at me the same way he did when I first came out.

"Alright, everybody!" The DJ announces. "Let's slow things down for our first couple's dance of the night."

My hand holding a strawberry on a toothpick pauses midway to my mouth. I'm thinking of what the best way to respond would be when Nico stands up and holds out his hand.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" he asks warmly. Smiling, but not joking.

Slowly, I put my food down and stand up, taking his hand in mine. "Yeah," I answer and he leads me to the dance floor.

My hands go to the back of his neck and when he places his hands on my hips, a thrill shoots up my spine. I can't look away from his eyes. They're mesmerizing.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight," I say just for the sake of saying something.

He shakes his head. "I'm the lucky one," he says, his voice lower and softer than I've ever heard it.

"I'm sure there's a million other girls you could've been with tonight," I say, half-joking, but he doesn't smile. Instead, he looks deeper into my eyes as if to make sure I hear him.

"There's no one else I would want to be here with." My breath stops and he presses my back so I'm closer into him. I can feel the heat radiating between our bodies and I can't look away.

His hand reaches up and his thumb brushes my lip as his lips pull up in a tiny smile. "You have chocolate on your face," he says. His fingertips wait on my lips, moving down my neck, then back up to cup my face. A slow shiver escapes me and I hear myself let out a breath.

He starts to move into me and I hold my breath when suddenly he's out of my arms.

Theo pins him up against the gym wall. "So this is the bitch you left me for? Huh, Jennie?" he growls, not even looking at me.

I already know what this is. His final grab for attention.

"You ended things with me to be with him?" Theo says.

This can't be happening right now. I look for the teachers to come in and stop this but they're nowhere to be found.

Theo continues to go on and on about how I broke his heart and blah, blah, blah. His date stands on the sides, saying, "Theo! Just look at me, baby. I'm right here. This isn't you!"

Oh geez. The secondhand embarrassment. Sis, this isn't a Wattpad novel.

"I'm not going to fight you," Nico says with a smile. How can he be smiling in this situation?

"Oh yeah? Can't get a bitch of your own so you decide to steal mine? That's low, dude," Theo spits.

I see Nico's eyes flash. "What did you just call her?" he asks lowly, his eyes almost black at this point.

"I'm telling you, man. That bitch is for everyone-"

In one movement, Nico moves out of his grasp, grabbing Theo by the neck and pinning him against the wall. He towers over Theo by at least five inches, staring down at him angrily.

"I'm gonna make things real fucking clear so that you understand. If you ever even look at her, I'll break all your teeth and make sure you never walk again. Got it?" With that, he lets Theo and pats his arm with a smile.

The whole gym is silent. Nico Accardi doesn't get mad. Sure, he'll tease you and push all your buttons, but he doesn't get mad.

Theo's face is practically purple. "Don't be a bitch! Fight me like a man!" he shouts as Nico starts to walk away. Nico's back is towards him and Theo starts to run.

Before Theo can jump him, Nico turns around and flips him onto the floor, pressing his knee on top of Theo's chest.

"The teachers are coming back!" someone yells.

"Nico!" I shout. "Get up! Teachers are coming!"

He continues to stare at Theo. "I'm not playing with you," Nico warns before getting up with a final push.

Everyone scuffles back to get in slow dancing positions as Mr. Finch and Ms. Johnson enter, red-faced and messy-haired.


As if nothing even happened, the students resume their dancing. Completely unaffected, Nico walks over to me. "Wanna get ice cream?"

My eyebrows shoot up and I hit his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?!" he exclaims, rubbing his arm.

"You didn't have to do that," I say.

His face turns serious. "Yeah, I did," he replies.

"I can take care of myself."

He looks at me. "I know. Ice cream?"

I pause. "Ok." Nico reaches out his hand and I let out a little laugh before taking it. "Thank you, I guess," I add.

He smiles. "Of course, Jennie. You're my date."

Date. Crush, enemy, accomplice, friend, date... I'll add it to the list of words I use to try and explain Nico Accardi.

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