Chapter Eleven- Why did I wait?

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~Two weeks later~

~~Luka's point of view~~

It's been two weeks since Pepper and I officially got together. I stay at her house every night. Most nights, it's just her and I. I don't know why I didn't see it sooner, but she and I fit so well together. I wouldn't change these last two weeks for anything in the world; we talk, and we talk a lot; we want the same things in life. We have both experienced the loss of our parents, and she understands my bond with Fawn. I don't have to worry about her getting jealous or questioning it.

Sebastian and Pepper have a meeting in Nashville today. Fawn is at home with her in-laws and Phoenix. She had a bad night, and Sebastian didn't want her leaving the house. I understand. If it were Pepper, I'd be doing the same thing. We haven't crossed that bridge yet. I want her, and I know she wants me. We've fooled around, but we haven't had sex...

I'm not in any hurry; we have time; I want to build a life with her. For the first time, I can see having a family. I know she wants more kids. We've talked about it. When I say, we've talked, that is what we have done. We have talked about any and everything. I have never gotten to know someone so well before.

I have never had a relationship where we can communicate and discuss things without someone getting pissed and walking away. Even if we disagree on something, we talk it out. I think it is going from not caring about each other to spending a ton of time together has made us stronger than many couples. We grew, and we grew into something incredible.

I work on cars until two hours before Pepper is supposed to come home. I finish up my last car, jump in the shower, and head to town. Pepper has cooked every meal since the time I have met her; she a fantastic cook. I just want to do something special for her. She does so much for everyone else it's time I do something for her.

Sebastian knows my plan. He already knew Fawn was keeping Phoenix tonight. He has said it over and over that she wouldn't make it there without him. I get why. I still get time with Phoenix, just not as much. Every time he sees me, he asks about the guy I am supposed to be building. It pisses me off because his dad is here now. He has not attempted to see him. I already have a plan for that, though.

I make my way into the store. I knew what I was going to get. I know her favorite meal is steak and potatoes. She also has a thing about grilled jalapeno peppers with it. I make it a certain way, so I go to the home section first and get the skillets I need. Then I go to the grocery side to get the food. As I walk out of the store, I see a flower shop. I take the bags to the truck and then go in. I get a single rose.

I go home, drop the bags at her house, then go to mine, and grab a bag for tonight. I want to change right before she comes home. I make my way to my house and to my room. I grab my bag then go into my closet. I feel fingers scratching up and down my back.

Luka: "Did you get off early, Babe?"

I hear the giggle and freeze; it's not Pepper, It's Annalise; I don't even turn around.

Luka: "What do you want Annalise?"

Annalise/Vixen:  "Isn't it obvious what I want?"

Luka: "Not happening. I am in a relationship."

Annalise/Vixen:  "She doesn't need to know."

That infuriates me. I turn to her and gently push her away from me.

Luka: "I will not cheat on my girlfriend. She is my first nontoxic relationship. I need you to leave."

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