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In a small cabin on the ship, lit only by the fire of a faint torch on the wall, Morgana was resting on the uncomfortable bed when the sinister voice in her mind snapped her awake. The widow approached the old mirror on the wall, sweating and her pulse racing.

“Who are you?” she said to herself looking in the mirror.

“We are you, we are everything” the voice in her head answered.

“I do not get it.”

“You invited me in.”

At that moment, an ancient image of the shadow of someone she loved flashed through her mind.

“The spider?! You are inside me...”

“We should have the Sword of Power not her, and you know it.”

“Shut up!” Morgana raised her voice desperately.

“She's weak, they all are. Everyone should die.”

“What are you saying?! They are my friends! You manipulated Celia and now you want to do the same to me. Leave me alone!”

Like a spider weaving a web of deceit and dark thoughts, Morgana finally realized something.

“You were the one who made me kill the previous widow, right?! How could I not see it...?”

“And now we are powerful.”

“No, now because of you my brother no longer recognizes me, he's scared of me, of what I've become! And so am I” she stammered looking at her shaking hands.

Terror seized her body as she looked in the mirror and was unable to recognize herself.

“Are you here to torment me?!” Morgana added angrily, “I didn't ask for this, did you hear me?!”

“Are you sure?”

“Enough, enough!” she yelled grabbing the mirror and throwing it against the ground causing small pieces of glass to scatter everywhere, “I don't want to hear you anymore! Get out of my head!” she begged falling to the ground on her haunches and covering her ears with her hands as tears welled up in her eyes.

“You can't escape who we are.”

The voice stopped short and only the sobs of the widow could be heard, alone in the middle of that room.

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