Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

They both stood there staring at each other angrily, both breathless from their outbursts, he wanted to hurt her so much, but the need to satisfy her was stronger. He was thankful when dusk came because being so close to her was sending his mind into a place he didn’t want it to go.

“Don’t forget what I told you,” he warned again before he swung the bedroom door open and vanished.

He nearly laughed at his own demand as he walked down her winding staircase, he pushed her away yet he was telling her she couldn’t move on he knew very well how much he was contradicting himself.

Paige was overcome with anger when he left she was sick and tired of him and his mood swings, she couldn’t work out what he wanted. When she thought he was going to kiss her he attacked her, and when she thought he was going to attack her he kissed her.

“I hate you!” she screamed, hoping he would hear her.

She didn’t know why she was allowing it to happen, she had always been so strong when it came to men, but he was no ordinary man and it was the hardest situation she had ever been in, she hated him, but at the same time she wanted his touch, needed it.

She opened her closet and started to pull clothes out, trying to find the most revealing item she owned, she threw clothes everywhere until she found a skirt that was so short she wondered what the hell had possessed her to buy it.

Curling her hair and plastering a ridiculous amount of makeup on, she pulled on the skirt and found a low cut top to wear. She walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head, this wasn’t her so why was she going to lower herself to wear something that made her look so cheap and easy.

She resisted the urge to take the skirt off and walked over to the window, she peeked through the window and she saw him and Marcus leaving his house, no doubt going to suck the blood from some poor souls, so she called a taxi to take her into a bar in town knowing that he wouldn’t see her.

When she got to the club it was heaving, it was still early though and she was shocked to see that many people in there, but she pushed her way through the crowd and after what felt like a lifetime of queuing she finally got to order a drink.

It didn’t take long for some drunk to start chatting her up and she smiled sexily and fluttered her eyelashes, getting another drink out of him.

“What are you doing here on your own?” the man slurred, sitting next to her and sipping on his beer.

She shrugged and smiled at him, “Just came out for a drink.”

The mans eyes raked over her body and the way he looked at her, repulsed her. It wasn’t that he wasn’t attractive, and any other time she might have gone for someone like him, but the thought of anyone other than Seth kissing her made her queasy.

Then she reminded herself about how he had told her she belonged to him and it fuelled her anger again. What she did next was foolish even for her, and she knew it as she invited the drunk back to her house. He was more than willing and nearly fell over his own feet dragging her to the taxi bay outside.

She had hid a bottle of vodka in her handbag and slipped it out inside the taxi swigging it down, trying to build up some courage. When the taxi arrived at her house she was feeling a little tipsy and grabbed his hand dragging him up her drive and through her front door.

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