Chapter twleve

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Chapter twelve

Seth didn’t even want to know the answer he just wanted to get back over to Paige, he left Marcus who looked deep in thought and went up to her bedroom to get her some clothes. He pushed the bedroom door open and as soon as he saw the mess he started to wonder if more had happened between the man than he had thought, but he had read her mind and surely he would have seen if he had done something to her. He shrugged and shoved some clothes into a bag that he found in the closet, he wasn’t going to let her stay on her own anymore, he wasn’t taking the chance not with that demon on the loose, he still hadn’t made an appearance and Seth knew it was only a matter of time.

He walked back down the stairs and saw Marcus sitting on the doorstep with a frown on his face, “What’s wrong with you?” Seth asked, he wasn’t particularly concerned either way.

“Nothing,” he said looking up.

Marcus couldn’t stop thinking about Isabella, it hadn’t been something that he wanted to think about, part of the reason he had been asleep for so long. Now he was awake it was only a matter of time before she came and her arrival was not something he looked forward to not how things had ended last time they had seen each other. He had rejected her, his mate it was she who turned him, she found her mate like Seth had with Paige and she turned him as soon as she saw him, but he didn’t thank her for it, he hated her for it. She tried so desperately over the years to make things better for him, he was like a spoiled child, everything he wanted he got, she thought things were getting better between them, but he was just using her, unable to forgive her for turning him. He sat and thought about the night they had parted.

She was furious at how cold he was towards her, sick of it, and he knew there was only so long she was going to put up with it before she exploded. She stalked towards him her blue eyes glowing with the rage that she had been holding back for over eighty years, that was how long she had put up with his coldness towards her, tried to convince herself that he would come around, but she knew now that he never would. Her shoulder length blonde hair shimmered underneath the moonlight that was creeping in through the stained glass window of the church that she had dragged him in, she was beautiful there was no denying it, she was small but her size didn’t take away the fact she was dangerous, strong and  ruthless.

“Why do you hate me so?” She asked looking at him, her rage replaced with sadness.

Like he even needed to dignify that with an answer, he looked at her sternly, she was never going to get what she wanted from him he would hate her for turning him into the monster he was forever, he didn’t want a vampire for a soulmate.

“Where do I begin, how long have you got?” he mocked.

Isabella had been thinking over what she was going to do for a long time, it wasn’t as though she had taken the decision lightly, but now as she looked over at Marcus she could see the hate for her in his eyes, he hated her for loving him and she couldn’t deal with it anymore, that’s why she let him go, but it wasn’t forever and she was going to make sure he knew that.

“I’ll give you one hundred years, I think that’s plenty of time. You will be seeing things differently by then, will have seen the world so many times over, you will appreciate what love actually is!” she hissed.

What she didn’t count on though was him going to sleep, whilst he slept she couldn’t find him and the only person who knew where he was Seth, and because they had no connection she couldn’t find him.

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