The Brightest Night

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Perseus's POV

Today me and my sister are being taken to the Royal Palace. I would be an understatement to say that we were nervous we were terrified to meet the Titan lord and that we are going to get our domains mother was nervous about what domain we would receive. We are ready to flash to the palace. Me and my sister were dressed in black robes. (The pic above) The moment we flashed we found ourselves middle of the throne room. Everyone was staring at me and my sister. The Moirai flashed in and chanted in Ancient Languages and together in sync they started saying
" All hail Titaness Hecate - The mist, magic, witchcraft, sorcery, spells, lies, moon, poison, crossroad, torches, 2 directions South and West, herbs Queen of the Night, moon, household and goddess of ".

Then they turned toward me and again chanted something in Ancient Languages and then said in sync 

" All hail Titan Perseus, the Titan of the The mist, magic, sorcery, spells, poisonous plants,  riches, 2 directions North and East, The Rivers- Styx, Acheron, Cocytus, Phlegethon, Lethe. Necromancy, stars, King of Darkness Titan of Darkness, eclipse, hunt, protection and also god of wolves. And the god and titan of DESTRUCTION and BALANCE.

They will be called the Witch Twins" 

All the Immortals in the room knelled to us, believe me it was very weird and then the Moirai flashed way. Then we all flashed away.

We were met by the Nyx and Erebus. 

"Well what a turn of events we find both of you together". said Nyx

We have come to teach you how to use the night and darkness. Lord Erebus said.

My sister and I nodded scared to speak. 

So let us get started. But you have to travel to the underworld with us. We both nodded. And they started to explain what we have to do and that we would have an advantage in the any battle. We flashed to the underworld or as we all call it as Erebus. 

353 words

Thanks for reading guys I will try to update as soon as I can.

Taylor Hale

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