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Analise's POV

She wore a shocked expression as she froze in her seat, her eyes wide, not believing a word I just said. She stayed in the same position for the next minute but she looked deep in thought as her eyes darted between the two of us. "You two are mates?" She asked once again to confirm.

"Yes." Both me and Alexander answered at the same time. My legs shook as I got more nervous with every passing second. "Amelia say something." I said out loud impatiently.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Alexander replied while I just sat there waiting for he to answer. At his response, Amelia got up and started pacing the room, her tanned skin paler tan before.

"Amelia?" I said once again.

"I don't know." She looked at me. "None of us has had a mate. Ever. I don't know how you have one."

My life surely broke every stereotype out there.

"But," She said, her eyes lighting up for a split second. "I know someone who can."

"The Moon Goddess." I chimed in. She nodded before instructing us to follow her. I gave Alexander a side glance and he looked confused like me but nonetheless we matched her strides as she frantically moved out of the living room. She led us to another small room where there were shelves displaying several coloured solutions and different types of herbs kept in boxes. In the middle of the room, there was a mysterious circle made up of an equally mysterious white ash.

Despite the mysterious vibe of the room, it was warm and welcoming.

We stood near the door as Amelia gathered candles and lit them up around the circle, evenly spaced. She proceeded to fill in the gaps with some crushed herbs. "This is where I usually come to communicate with the Moon Goddess." She informed us as she added the last things she needed. "But," She said, looking at us and I nearly let out a groan at the word.

When something involved a but, something good almost never followed.

"Only one person can talk to her." She finished. "So, who will it be?"

"She will go." Alexander said before I could reply. I just shrugged and moved towards her, stepping into the circle while both of them stood outside it. Amelia mumbled some words that I could not make out. I looked at Alexander standing behind her who gave a curt nod, looking deep in thoughts.

As soon as Amelia finished, she exited the room along with Alexander. A few seconds later a white light appeared opposite to where I was sitting. It slowly faded away to reveal the calm and beautiful Moon Goddess.

All the rumors surrounding her beauty did her no justice. Her light blue eyes, long blond hair, flawless skin, everything was just perfect. I just stared at her, wide eyed.

"How can I help you dear?" She smiled lightly, her sweet, calming yet at the same time powerful voice echoed in the room. Her voice sounded like a soft melody to the ears that I could keep listening to.

"I needed answers Moon Goddess." I said, smiling slightly in her comforting presence. "How come I have a mate when black she wolves are not supposed to have one?"

"My dear, to every story, there are two sides. I can't tell you both but I will tell you my side." She started. "Black she wolves don't have mates because many male wolves do not agree having someone more powerful than them as their mate." She said sadly. "I already know the lives and future of everyone before they are born and yours too."

"You knew what would happen in my life?" She nodded. "About my family and everything else?"

"Yes. Which is why I chose to give you a mate. When I chose you to be a black wolf, I already knew the struggles you would have to face in your life but I also knew you would overcome them. Whether it would be alone or with someone else."

"So you knew that I would come here searching for you one day?" I asked, confused.

"The future I see is what should have happened, unless due to some interference their might be some changes." I looked at her, an eyebrow raised inquisitively. "In your future, I never saw you coming here." She explained. "Then, it was all because of your family. Due to certain unseen events, they did not change for the good and hence it lead you to become who you are today. Seeing you here today, so strong and powerful, I can say I made the right choice." She smiled lovingly at me.

"What about having a mate?" I asked again.

"When I saw your life, even if it is slightly different from how things currently are, I could not see one of my child being mistreated. Let's say, I paired you with someone who had the same fate as yours."

"Alexander is my mate because he had the same fate- being mistreated?"

"Two parts of the story Analise." She reminded me. "You know where to find the second part."

"I know." I said, my voice merely a whisper as the though of what happened to Alexander rushed through my mind.

"Sometimes, when we join two broken pieces together, it may not be the same as it once was but it surely creates something new. Sometimes, something even better." Her words made sense but also confused me.

"One more thing." I said. "Why me?"

She chuckled slightly before answering. "You underestimate yourself too much dear. You just need to dig deep inside of you and you will find out what you can actually do. Trust me, my judgment are never wrong. You are who you are for a reason."

"If you paired Alexander and I together, why does he not want to admit it? He does not act like my mate."

"Second part of the story." She simply said. "Are you sure he does not act like your mate? I believe he helped you sometimes."

"Yes." I sighed as memories of him holding me close to him during my panic-attack and nightmare came to my mind, the car ride and his other little actions that meant a great thing to me.

"I think you have all the answers you needed dear."

"Yes. Thank you." I bowed my head to her.

"Good luck Analise. No matter the path taken, we always end up where we need to be." She said. "You were chosen for a reason. Dig deep inside you when then time comes." I raised my head but she was already gone, only her calm presence lingering in the room. I got up, dusted my pants before leaving the room.

"Did you get your answers?" Amelia asked as I stepped outside.

"Yes." I smiled lightly at her. She returned my smile with of her own before dragging me to the living room where Alexander was already seated.

"Now that you have gotten your answers, should we get back to why you came here?" She asked as I took a seat.

"What does the symbol on the map represent?" I asked.

"When the first ever black she-wolf was chosen, she had this mark on her. We don't have it but it became the symbol of our kind."

"The vampire king." I reminded her. "How did you kill him?"

"Just like there is a special type of silver that kills werewolves, there is a special type of stake to kill him." She informed us. "Once you manage to stab him with it, his army will withdraw since they will have no one to lead them. This, try killing him as quick as possible."

"Where do we find the stake?"

"The fallen stake." She smiled at me, a glint in her eyes. "Under the moonlight, lies the key to your problem. Find it and open the door to your solution."

"A riddle?" I deadpanned.

"It took me a great deal to find that stake. I cannot just give it to you on a platter." She chuckled and I groaned.

"Thank you." I said. "We will search for it. We should get going." Alexander added.

"Good luck with the war." Amelia said as she escorted us to the door. We took the path back to our car but neither me nor Alexander said a word. I did not know what happened to him but now I was bent on finding out.

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