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Analise's POV

The way back to the castle was silent and slightly tensed. Both of us were drowned in rivers of our own thoughts after the new revelations. We went to find answers from Amelia and we did get them but we also got more questions as a gift.

A gift none of us asked for.

Bang The car screeched to a stop as a heavy object fell right in front of us as we passed the open gates of the castle, bringing me out of my trance.

"Fucking hell." Alexander muttered, irritated. "Are you fine?" He looked at me, assessing me.

"Hmm. Just a bit shaky." I said as I looked out the window. "What was that though?"

We both got out of the car, rounding it until we stood side by side in front of the hood. A huge rock was on the floor, pieces of it scattered over the place from the impact with the ground. I looked around when I felt a shadow over me for a split second.

I squinted my eyes as I looked at the bright sun shining in the sky. My jaws dropped to the floor when I saw two majestic dragons circling us above, screeching.

"Since when do we have dragons here?" I pointed towards them. It was the first time I ever saw a dragon. Both of them were beautiful with beautiful scales adoring their muscled bodies. While one had red scales, the other had blue scales and from down here they looked like fire and ice.

While I was busy taking them in, I did not realised Derek- the werewolf who fought against me alongside Rayan- approach us. He seemed better from the last time I saw him which was the day of the fight.

"Sorry for the inconvenience King Denver." He acknowledged Alexander's presence and I held back a scoff. I must have hurt his ego pretty bad that day. "We were attacked by the vampires again and the dragons helped us. They got a bit overprotective."

"Inconvenience? They nearly killed us" I said sarcastically loud enough for him to hear as I went to retrieve my bag from the car. As I walked past him towards the castle, he let out a menacing growl and I felt the aura of his wolf in the air.

Already irritated from today's events, I could not control myself as I turned around, my hands reaching around his neck. He wheezed as I applied some pressure in my hold as I slowly lifted his body off the floor. His eyes glowed as his claws made their appearance but he struggled to move.

"Next time you disrespect me, you will no longer have a head." I let him go and he fell to the floor. I gave him an innocent smile as I turned around, walking back to the castle, not missing the small smirk playing on Alexander's face.

"Well look who is here." Rayna said as I entered the foyer.

"Not now Rayna." I cut her off sharply with a glare.

"Whatever. There is a meeting in an hour. Get ready and come, though your presence is not necessary." She said in a mocking tone and I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Don't confuse others with you."

After a quick shower, I found myself sitting in the half empty meeting room. Most of the leaders were still out scouting except for King Tarsal and Queen Elena. Along with them, there were a few new faces around the table who I was guessing were now on our side.

We all sat around the table in our usual seats as we waited for my family except for my grandmother who was already here. My eyes wandered on their own before they settled on Alexander who was talking to his second in command, though it looked like the other one was talking and Alexander was just listening.

The second part of the story

I pulled my gaze away from him as I felt someone staring at me. Next to his second in command, sat a girl who was looking straight at me, a smirk on her face. My brows furrowed in confusion but it was short lived as the rest entered the room.

They took their seat and King Elijah- the leader of dragons- spoke up. "We are thankful that you agreed to become allies with us despite our absence when you called us. We were allies with the vampires." He informed us and suddenly the atmosphere turned tensed. "They backstabbed us. They stole the staff of the warrior dragon and used it against us. We hope that we can work together and win this war." He turned in my direction as he spoke. "Sorry for the inconvenience outside. My people are still on edge after what happened." I just nodded and he turned to face Alexander who also just nodded.

"We look forward to working together with you King Elijah and King Leon." King Leon- king of griffins- nodded. "We have to act fast after yesterday's attack. Had it not been for the help of the dragons and griffins, we would have lost." My grandmother said

"Alpha Axel and Queen Elena's team did not find anything about Elena. Did you find anything King Denver?" My father asked him and I rolled my eyes as he exempted my name.

"Yes, we met her." Alexander answered. "She cannot help us with the war. She gave us some information that could help." I let out a relieved sigh as he did not mention anything about my powers.

"Which are?" Rayan cut him off and Alexander's face contorted to one of annoyance.

"There is a stake which she used to kill the vampire king. We need to find it-"

"How will we find it?" Rayan butted in again, a smirk on his face as he clearly enjoyed this/

"She gave us a riddle but I doubt you will be able to solve it. So, leave it to us and we will inform you once we do." Rayan glared at Alexander but the red rushing from his neck to his cheeks did not go unnoticed as I gave him a side glance.

"King Elijah, is the staff still with them?"


"Do you know how we can destroy it?"

"It is the strongest magical artefact for us dragons and it petrifies others with a single hit." He said. "It is really difficult to destroy it. We either need a stronger magical artefact or someone really powerful."

"We are short on time. Queen Elena is the most powerful witch." King Tarsal intervened.

"I doubt my powers will suffice." Queen Elena explained

"What if you converge you magic with the other witches?" My mother suggested.

"We will require a lot of focus. Being on a battlefield will leave us with very little."

As much as I wanted to help destroy the staff with the help of my won powers, I bit my tongue and sat back in my chair. I felt guilty for not helping but I was not ready.

I only know how to control fire. The rest, I had no clue.

As I looked around the table, I found Alexander looking at me. I wondered what he was thinking about me right now- Did he think of me as someone selfish for not offering to help. But then again, he has shown me another side of him in the past few days and I doubt he would reach any conclusion without understanding the situation.

"Do they have any other allies?" King Tarsal asked

"He never called all of us together but I think he is together with the giants and fallen angels." King Leon said. Not only did they have the staff but also more allies.

"That is it for today. We will discuss this once again once the others are back. Until then Queen Elena, could you take care of the staff?" Grandmother concluded as Queen Elena gave her a nod. "King Alexander and Analise, try to find the stake as soon as possible. The dragons and griffins are requested to join the trainings." With this being said, everybody started leaving.

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