Chapter 50 - Boundary

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Pratap was thinking about the past few years where he tried to gain his wife's trust back and the way he got paid back for his karma. The weekly cooking he did for her which she choose to not acknowledge and the lame excuses he gave just so he could spend some time with her which usually involves, him gazing at her while she plays with their son. He very well knew that if he wanted he could barge inside her chamber and stay in it but at the same time, Anamika wouldn't like that. So he didn't invade her choice of privacy.

And above everything he felt, how it is to be ignored and forgotten, although his situation is not even half that of Anamika's. These few years have taught him some things which he cannot even learn in his Gurukul. Thinking about all this, time has passed and he walked to the garden to meet Anamika.

When Pratap reached the garden, Anamika was already sitting there waiting for him. He looked around to find that there are no maids and guards around them. He neared Anamika to take the seat opposite hers. Anamika stood up greeted him, "Pranam! Ranasa". Pratap nodded at her and replied, "Pranam! Ranisa".

They both settled on their seats and silence lingered around the air for sometime. This happens most of the time when Pratap tries talking to her. For he knew that the only words he could utter in their privacy were either sorry or forgiveness which doesn't make any sense as long as his actions doesn't make sense. So he kept his mouth shut to avoid redundant words of apology which after some time wouldn't have any impact as it would become a routine.

Anamika sighed loudly and started to speak her mind. "Ranasa! It is not often that we talk unofficially. So you might know that whatever I have asked for your presence is very important", Anamika spoke to which Pratap nodded.
"We could simply live the coming years just like the past thirteen years or the ten years before that. I don't care much about how others think but it is definitely having a great impact on Abhimanyu, which is not good. I don't want for him to have a life where one part of his heart is filled with love and the other part is filled with hatred. Although I have realized this three years back, it took me sometime to come to this decision. That's why I called you here", Once again Anamika spoke.

She continued, "I don't want to talk about the past again and again. I cannot make you understand my point of view, when being a woman even my mother is not able to understand me. Or may be I'm an outcast among them. I don't know that but one thing I know is, we can never change the past. And I'm here for Abhimanyu. Although I have already told that we could just be parents without being a husband and wife, I think I didn't give my best in that."

It is true that Anamika's mother always tries to resolve the cold war between them, whenever she is in the palace. May be because she felt that her daughter is also living a life similar to her, living in the memories. But the difference between them is that she is a widow whereas her daughter has her husband. That is why she wants them to reconcile and live the remaining life happily with each other.

Anamika took a pause and continued in a low voice, "In these three years, I tried to forget everything and move on. I really did. I kept my negative thoughts on future aside. Even if I take ten steps towards you, there is one last step which I couldn't take forward. And after trying for so long, I realized that I could never take that step forward."

"I don't want Abhimanyu or our future grandchildren to choose sides between us. I could have simply taken sanyas(pilgrimage) but I'm greedy to see my son growing up and having a family. So we should think of some middle path which could solve this issue once and for all", she looked at Pratap before continuing, "We can create a new relationship with each other, as acquaintances who doesn't need to avoid each other or who doesn't need to give fake smiles. We can start off as strangers so that we can keep this relationship apart from the past. Will you accept this?"

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