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When Abhimanyu returned the capital, the city was full of celebrations to welcome him. He was overwhelmed by the love of his people. He reached the Palace to see his entire family standing at the entrance to welcome him. All his sisters and their children were also there. More over, he was happy to see his mother smiling at him with tearful eyes. He went near his father and touched his feet to get blessings, as per the ethics. And then he went near his mother, who took his aarthi and he took her blessings and hugged her. He met his sisters and then his grandmother with a formal bow.

Once he is inside the palace, Anamika fed him, her handmade food to her heart's content. For every mother, their child is thin if they are returning after a long time. Then he got filled upon what happened in his absence, by his sisters.

Abhimanyu could sense a difference in his parent's relationship.  Although he doesn't know what happened, he is happy that his mother is happy. He knows that his mother has strong ideologies which she wouldn't compromise for anybody. So he didn't question anything to his mother, for he knew that whatever she is doing is for him only. Also he had already been warned by his mother, to not let himself interfere between his father and mother relationship.

After 2 days of rest and spending time with his sisters who departed earlier today, Abhimanyu attended the court today, where everyone agreed with their Ranasa to crown Abhimanyu as Yuvraj as soon as possible. Indirectly the entire court was judging their crown prince which didn't create any difference in Abhimanyu's behavior or opinions.

Abhimanyu although spent his free time with his mother, always avoided looking at the paintings, which are of girls coming from higher status or princess from their governing kingdoms. Soon the day of crowning arrived and everyone is happy to celebrate their upcoming ruler, looking forward for a young energy, similar to their current king and queen during their younger years. Pratap's mother couldn't help but feel disheartened for her late husband, who would have been over the moon to see this day.

Anamika didn't leave her son this time and took him to the room with paintings, the very next day of his crowning ceremony. Abhimanyu pleaded his mother through his eyes to let him go since the dasis were pulling away the clothes covering the paintings of girls. Looking at Anamika's stern eyes, he knew that he couldn't escape this time.

So, he just carelessly looked around the room at the paintings but his eyes were stuck at one beauty which he found unique among all. Something about that girl caught his attention which everyone in the room noticed because he was still staring at the picture without moving. "Her name is Ahilya. She is from the Maratha region", Anamika told him near his ear. Abhimanyu called out her name in a trance, "Ahilya". Soon he realized what he did and immediately excused himself from there.

Anamika was happy that her son's choice is same as hers. Since all the women under their reign is trained in self defense, it is common that their swords are sharp. But it cannot be same for the mind and Ahilya is one rare 'beauty with brains' princess. A decade ago, it was a taboo for a girl above ten years of age to be not married or at least engaged. But with time, some things have changed gradually, as now Parents don't shy away from keeping their daughters till the age of 16.

Ahilya is two years younger than Abhimanyu who is 18 right now. Anamika immediately notified Pratap about Abhimanyu's choice and he sent the official proposal to the Maratha king under his reign. It took few days for the messages to reach back and forth between the two kingdoms. Finally it was decided that the bride's family will reach the groom's palace to complete the wedding.

Abhimanyu had a few days before the wedding which he could use properly to get to know his future wife. And he did meet his bride hiding away from everyone and they tried to clear away their awkwardness by extending a hand of friendship towards each other.

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