Chapter 13

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When you did finally open the gift it was shocking

You were so shocked at what it was

A bunch of stuff from your childhood home obviously saved from the fire

You actually start crying as you look at the photos of you and your parents

Stuffed animals you had as a kid

There were even photo albums and so much more, so many things you thought you lost

You just hug it all as tears stream down your face as you laid on your bed hugging the photos of your parents

'Whoever my secret admirer is I'm so happy they've brought this stuff back to me, I have never found out who my secret admirer is but whoever they are I hope I could one day meet them.' You think as you go back to looking through more of the stuff in the box

And find a letter and read it the cursive writing which you've felt like you've seen this before, but maybe you're remembering it from when you were in Hogwarts?

You just read the letter from your secret admirer

Dear y/n,

I'm sorry it took a long time to get this stuff back to you, it won't happen again

That was it that was the whole letter

You didn't know what to think as you just curled up in bed with photos and photo albums and stuffed animals laying around you

As you end up falling asleep feeling comforted by the familiar stuff around you, the scent also smelled familiar but you couldn't place it

|a few days later|

You were sitting in your classroom at your desk as an owl flies in with another gift

You take it and open it and gasp at the expensive necklace with an emerald in the middle

You didn't know what to think or say

'Who is my secret admirer, I've always wondered who they are.'

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