Chapter 16

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After Narcissa and the healer left Lucius immediately found a picture of you he hid and didn't wanna stop looking at it

The moving picture of you laughing and smiling

He wanted more than just looking at it again

And he hated this knowing you are single and he could have you still

"13 years was not enough time I guess I thought it would be." He says as he leans his head onto his pillow 'Why did young me have to fall in love with her! Of all the witches out there I had to fall for her.' He thinks as he was hoping you'd be married by now and he'd be able to stay away from you then, but no your single still and now he's single too 'How could I ever explain to y/n that I didn't kill her parents? I didn't do it and it was someone else, how can I tell her when she hates me and would never listen to me ever, undoing this spell was a mistake I made.'

|A few days later|

Once summer came around you had to hide Sirius in your house, mostly because Sirius didn't wanna leave you alone

Which you're fine with, you get to have your best friend back and that's all you care about

You had to go out today and get some stuff so Sirius came with you as a dog

But as you were shopping a student you teaches parent stopped you for a chat

Which Lucius saw you talking to some man, as he was with Draco

You smile politely as they leave and Sirius nudges you

"Padfoot stop." You say as Sirius growls as Lucius walks over

Lucius looks at the dog confused then back up at you

"Didn't know you had pets," Lucius says and you look at Sirius and nod

"Yes this is Padfoot, he's very protective but he's friendly to some people." You say as Sirius was still growling

"He's cute, father can we get a dog?" Draco says putting his hand out and Sirius sniffs his hand, trying to act like a normal dog would

"No they shed, and I don't want that in my house, and I'm not getting you any more animals no matter how much you ask or beg or freak out," Lucius says making Draco frowns not happy

"That's a good boy." You say to Sirius, and Sirius sits beside you not happy your still talking to Lucius and Draco

But well you have to be polite

Sirius kept trying to do things to get you out of being around Lucius

But Lucius had his ways to pull you right back into the conversation

"Sorry but I have to get going, pads is wanting to continue his walk, he seems very anxious to keep going so I have to go goodbye." You say as Sirius then runs and you run after him saying hey get back here 'Honesty that went on for so long, why on earth did Lucius wanna talk to me about so many things, I don't even know half the things he said but still.'

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