ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ 14_ᴩᴇʀᴩᴇᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴡᴀʀ

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Jungkook's gaze drifted to his living room balcony door where the sound was originating from. He froze in his spot, totally shook by the sudden voice and to see the door open while the baby blue curtains flew with a gush of wind. He saw someone standing behind the light coloured curtains and his breath hitched.

He quickly hung up the call.

Grabbing a small knife from the kitchen counter, he made his way forward towards the observed spot. With slow and steady steps, rising heartbeat and an indecisive stance, he continued. However, just as the curtain was pushed away and in walked a man, seeming a tad bit older than himself, Jungkook couldn't help but instinctively take a step back.

Of course, he was now scared.

He stared at the man with a calm expression, even though his insides were going crazy at the moment. He looked a little older than him, had sharp masculine features and looked super confident with the smirk plastered on his face.

"Who are you?" He asked, standing in a defensive position, knife quite visible.

"Oh damn, I'm so afraid." He faked a 'scared' look on his face, making the younger angrier.

"I want an answer. Who are you?" He hissed.

"Well, I don't think you'd fancy knowing me, considering how I'm responsible for Kim's death."

Jungkook quickly took a note of everything the man said; he had a mocking tone, he knew Jungkook had something to do with Taehyung, he was a reason for this situation to be created. And he didn't know Taehyung's name.

The last one making everything else sound a bit too suspicious.

Jungkook clutched the knife harder at that. He felt like he could explode any minute. This man in front of him reminded him how screwed everything was and he was not having it.

"Why would I trust you? And do you even know who I am or do you just randomly chill at a stranger's place every night?"

"Wouldn't say that, really. I know you're very close to him. Remember, my men chased you both back in Busan? I think you'll understand who I am now." He spoke with a cocky grin.

Jungkook stopped thinking. The man definitely knew a lot, which meant that everything he was saying right now could be considered as the truth. He suddenly took a step back unconsciously, almost losing his breath.

The man, satisfied by the turnout of this situation, walked closer to him.

"You must be wondering why I'm here," He continued,
"I'm here to at least let you know who exactly was behind your apparent lover's death. And also, to personally advice you to move on. Go on, meet new people. Forget Kim. No one will ever know you even knew him." He spoke through the fake smile plastered on his face all this time.

Jungkook was now boiling with anger. And it showed. In that very moment when he felt the pointed object in his right hand, he wanted to push it through the unknown person standing before him and stab the living hell out of him.

"Aww, the lil boy is angry? Don't do anything stupid, you lost the one who saved you the last time." He spoke in fake sadness, mocking the younger.

Jungkook couldn't help but shed a tear at his words. He really lost him, didn't he? It was the frustration, the pent up anger, the loss, the misfortune, the fear, the vengeance. It all took over him at once and he could feel his palms sweating.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm no child who needs help every fucking time! I can protect myself. I'm obviously not trained like you but I do have enough brain for a twenty three year old!" He glared at the man in front of him, breathing heavily with the anger within him ready to set free.

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