Chapter 48

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I haven't heard from Francesca in two days and its fucking killing me

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I haven't heard from Francesca in two days and its fucking killing me. I haven't stopped trying to reach out but still no answer. Plus, to make matters worse it seems my fuck up has caused tension between Parker and Bray which is the absolute last thing I wanted. My best friends finally is in a happy relationship and besides ruining my own life I ruin his too? Wonderful, I have finally firmly secured my place in hell I see.

"Sof, if I drop you off at Becks will you convince her to come talk to me?"

The smallest of the rats looks up at me then scurries off to the edge of the bed to play with a paper towel roll Stan brought up for them this morning.

"Great, even my rats don't love me," I sigh as I try to reach for Penelope without seeing stars. The hospital's good drugs wore off Monday and the shit I was prescribed doesn't work as well. They take the edge off so I can breathe without being in excruciating pain but don't ask me to take a deep breath because I might pass out.

I check my phone for a text that doesn't exist waiting for her name to pop up on my phone like this is all a nightmare. I hate that she is upset and I am the cause and I hate even more that this is all happening just days before her final competition. She has worked too hard for me to distract her and knock her off her game.

Fuck it, I need to fix this.

It is Tuesday which means I know exactly where she is right now. Her class gets out in an hour which gives me plenty of time to drive to campus and wait outside her classroom. "Girls, wish me luck," I say as I kiss the rats on their heads before I put them back. I am going to need all the luck I can get and every god imaginable to salvage this mess I have created. I will take whatever pathetic crumbs Francesca will give me as long as I can still be a part of her life.

Getting to school sounded a lot easier in my head. The house has been bringing me food and I haven't showered in a few days so most of my day has been spent laying in bed not moving. Moving really hurts, especially walking down stairs but driving might be worse. Whatever, I just need to push through and find her, force her to talk to me. Like Bray said I can't give up.

I wait outside her class trying to stop from nervously fidgeting. My eyes are trained directly on the door as people begin to walk out. I really hope she doesn't try to run from me because I am stupid enough to chase after her despite the pain.

Slowly the room begins to empty and I watch carefully as students file out. Luna, Parker, and Maya walk out of the classroom and stare at me. Francesca isn't with them as they all move closer to me. Luna is leading the way while the other two stay behind her. She must say something to them because they all stop and then Maya and Parker leave, walking in the opposite direction.

"She isn't here," Luna says matter of factly once she is a few feet from me.

"I gathered that much." I adjust my hat with one hand using my left arm to hug my side as I attempt to stand up. "I don't suppose you'd want to tell me where she is?"

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