Ryder's Birthday

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"Sh Bray," Francesca scolds outside my bedroom door

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"Sh Bray," Francesca scolds outside my bedroom door. "Don't wake him up."

"I thought we were waking him up?" Bray asks, the confusion in his voice evident.

I hear Stan laugh as Francesca lets out an annoyed huff. I woke up 20 minutes ago to an empty bed but wasn't surprised. I am sure Francesca woke up hours ago to continue her quest to make today my best birthday ever. In all fairness, I don't have much to compare it to, so the task is pretty easy but she has been obsessively planning for days anyways. After finals ended and everyone went home she began living at hockey house with me and the few guys who are still here. But the last few days she's been spending a lot of time at her apartment and I know she is doing birthday related things.

I sit up in bed with a smug look on my face as Stan counts down from 3 so they can all enter together. The door bursts open as all three of them stumble into the room with balloons and a cake screaming happy birthday, expecting me to be asleep.

"You woke him," Francesca accuses when she sees me sitting up. Even as she yells at Bray, she is wearing a bright smile that lights up the room. She definitely got up a while ago since she is already showered and wearing her Michigan hockey shirt, actually correction my shirt she stole, plus a pair of jean shorts.

"I woke up a little bit ago babe, on my own," I tell her as Bray flips her off behind her back. I give him a cold look but instantly soften as she climbs across the bed right into my arms.

She wastes no time in grabbing my face and kissing me like she would when no one is around. I have to bite back a groan as she pulls back way too soon. "Happy Birthday Ryder."

"Yeah happy birthday you old fart," Bray interrupts hopping into my bed too. Stan sits on the edge still holding the cake with candles almost completely melted away leaving wax all over the cake.

"I am 24 days older than you fuck face," I argue pushing him away from me.

"Which means you'll die first," Bray shoots back playfully.

Francesca's gasp pulls us from our typical teasing. "No he will live forever," she defends, wrapping her entire body tightly around me.

Stan interrupts before things take a turn and I give him a thankful smile. "Blow these out before the house burns down will ya," he instructs, shoving the cake in front of my face.

I blow out the candles as instructed and they all cheer like I am a kid. I must admit, I don't hate it. Normally I try to act my age or older. I want people to take me seriously the way my parents never do, but I don't need to act for these people. These are the people who will love me regardless, who will respect me no matter my choices, these are my ride or dies for life.

"Thank you all, seriously guys this is...it's great," I sigh contently. Today is already the best birthday ever and from the giddy smile on Francesca's face and the way she is bouncing around like a kid hopped up on sugar, I know it is just the start.

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