Chapter 12 - Solutions

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(Edited January 7, 2024)

- Emily POV - Four Days Later -

This is it. I've been counseling and helping Amara for over a week.. Amara told me a few days ago that all of the boys have been trying to find me.. fucking stubborn idjits, they never listen.. But.. Now I think it's time we have them all meet together on neutral ground. I need to convince Amara that it's time for my master plan. Get them to stop fighting.

"Amara..?" Walking through the large hotel room, peaking my head around corners looking for the Darkness.

"In here!" Hearing her voice comes from the kitchen I quickly make my way over. Walking around the corner I spot her sitting at the table drinking a cup of tea. She's become rather fond of the stuff since I introduced it to her.

"Hey Amara.. I um... I.. I think it's time." Holding my hands behind my back, I give her a meek smile. Feeling my heart beat quickly in my chest.

"A-Are you sure..?" Amara looks at me with anxiety written all over her face. Hmph, never knew a celestial being could be anxious.

"Y-Yeah. I think that you're ready, it's time that you talk it out with him.. I'll be right there with you if you need me." Smiling softly at her with a reassuring gaze.

"I.. alright. I suppose you're right.. It will only get worse if I prolong this conflict... I must say, I have grown rather fond of you during our brief time together.. it.. it would be a shame to destroy this world.." Amara mix's her tea around with her spoon.

"I've liked our time together too Amara." Smiling wide, happiness bubbling in my belly. "The show always portrayed you as the villain.. But I always knew that it was a bunch of bullshit... Ahem, anyways. Do you want me to get the meeting set up..?" I'll have to figure out a way to contact god.. pff, like that went well the first bajillion times on the show... Maybe one of the arch-bros can get in contact..? Michael doesn't really know me.. so he's a no go.. Lucifer hates Chuck.. Raphael is dead.. so that leaves Gabe.

"Yes.. Let us.. as you humans say 'rip off the band-aid' I believe the saying was?" Amara nods her head she looks down into her cup if tea. Snorting softly to myself, having never thought I would hear a being with such power say that..

"Alright! I'll get that train a rollin. I'll go pray to Gabriel now so he can hopefully get ahold of Chuck." Hopefully the ass will actually listen for once.

"Alright.. Let me know when you are ready to leave." Nodding to her she takes a sip of her calming tea.

Walking into the other room, I close my eyes taking a deep calming breath. Alright Emily, here we go... Gabriel? Can you hear me.. uh.. Sugar Daddy?

Sugar! It's so nice to hear your voice- are you okay? Do you need help? An urgent tone rings through my head, accompanied by the sound of divine bells. Causing an instant headache due to he intensity.

A-Actually yes, can you try and get ahold of Chuck? Amara wants to meet with him for a talk. I convinced her to try and work it out instead of being on her war path.

Holy shit Sugar! You're amazing! But.. with pops..? I mean.. I can try? Dear old dad doesn't really listen to prayer's anymore.. But I'll try my best for you Gumdrop.

Thank you so much Gabriel. I owe you one! We'll be heading to the bunker momentarily. I hope to see you there!

"Amara? I think we're good to go." Amara nods slowly setting down her cup onto the table, standing up from her chair she walks to my side. Holding her hand out to me I gladly take it. Gently pulling me closer to her I take a deep breath. A blanket of darkness wraps around me as she brings me through the veil into the void. The sensation quite strange..

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