Chapter 33 - Rescue !

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- Sam POV - Bunker - Next Day - Morning -

Grabbing onto the jar of sand Rowena gave to us. I walk over to the clear space set on the floor to enact our plan.. "Are you sure he'll answer Sammy?" Dean asks as he crosses his arms over his chest, clenching his jaw due to stress.

Crouching down to the floor, I look up to Dean. "Do you have any other ideas? It's been over a day and the Red caps haven't returned.. It's safe to say they.... failed.. We might as well try to call him. He owes us after all." I open the jar of sand, pouring it onto the floor in specific sigils from Egyptian mythology. Once I'm completed I stand back up and reach into my wallet to pull out the card. Holding it in my hand I sigh loudly as Dean passes me his lighter.

Flicking it open I hold the card above the flame, watching it catch for a moment. I quickly throw it into the sigil. Please God work.

After a moment of tense silence.. Hands of the damned break through layers of reality ripping open a hole before raising a man with a Jackal's head upwards. He stands there with a look of indifference, adjusting his cufflinks he looks up. "I see you have finally cashed in the favor. What do you want? Me to raise someone up from the dead? Kill someone? Cause a plague?"

"We need a way into the realm of the fairy's." I step forward with a grim look on my face, clenching my fists at my sides.

"The realm of the fae? That's out of my jurisdiction-" Anubis rolls his eyes at our stupidity.

"Please Anubis, our friend was taken by a fairy against her will. We need to save her." Dean steps forward with a determined look in his eyes.

"Hm... Well it just so happens that I fairly recently added a fae body to my collection.." Anubis runs his fingers over the top of his head adjusting his fur with a sigh. "I suppose I can use the body as a sort of.. GPS? To find the wilds? Then I shall open a special portal for you." Anubis reaches out, a hand of the damned reaches up holding an old jar to Anubis. The canine grabs it from the hand and steps out of the sigil with a sigh. A shimmering light flickering over him for a moment.

Alright, might as well call the guys. They should be here in case it works. Closing my eyes for a moment I quickly pray to the angels, they all whoosh down seconds later. Looking at Anubis in confusion as he works. "What's going on?" Michael asks as he steps forward.

"Ah yes, angels. I smelled your scent in this place.. I'm creating a sort of.. bridge through realitys for you. You shall travel through the land of the dead momentarily to reach the wilds." Anubis says as he opens the jar and reaches inside with his paw. Pulling out the corpse of a small pixie, the body without any signs of decomposition.

"How.. how old is the body?" Dean asks as he watches Anubis work, scratching his chin. Anubis uses his claw to slice his wrist, using his own blood to write sigils on the wall.

"Oh, about.." Anubis squints in thought, his lips mumbling. "Ten thousand years old? This poor fellow was caught by a human, his wings plucked from his back and then used in an aphrodisiac. The rest was given to me as tribute at one of my altars." Lucifer begins to pace around the room like a lion caged. Clenching and unclenching his fists over and over again.

"Hurry it up, our mate could be injured. The redcaps still haven't come back yet." Lucifer growls out as his wings puff up in irritation. Anubis runs his fingers over the wound, sealing it shut as he wipes his paw on his suits handkerchief. Cleaning himself up from the blood.

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