Happy Birthday, Panda!

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Hello Panda,

First, Happy 13 birthday to you!

Today is your day, Panda and I want to give you a warm happy birthday greeting and a cRaZy letter HAHAHA. Okay, let's go!

I know I've been saying this a lot in my letters and everything but anyway- Since that day we've met (August 20, 2021), I've always liked you. Yeah, yeah. I kept saying it again and again but... okay you know what here's the actual letter. This is just an appetizer /j

Okay, now I'm serious.

Happy 13th Birthday to my first friend in high school. Yes, you're my first friend (in discord and school of course). You're the first ever person who approached me so yeah (or maybe not). 

When I first met you, I did say you're intimidating but I also found you a bit weird.

Uh-huh. You're weird. Well, first because of your glasses; it kinda reminds me of an annoying kid at my previous school. Second is, you're pretty loud. 

I always thought that you're the kind of person who wouldn't even want anything to do with anyone. I guess I was wrong. That was just my perspective though, I don't see you that way anymore.

The more I get to know you, the more I gain hope in humanity. Yeah, yeah. Shush. You made me feel like not all people are bad. 

You gave me the feeling that making friends isn't a bad thing and having a male friend isn't bad. (To be honest, my mom doesn't like it when I make friends with boys so as much as possible, I avoid boys)

I owe a lot to you, to be honest. Without you, I would've been a shitty person. Without you, I would've given up and harmed myself the longer I stayed. 

Without you, I probably would've dropped out of school. Without you, I probably wouldn't have been making an effort in class. 

Without you, I probably would've let depression get the best of me and drag me down. If it weren't for you... I probably wouldn't have been able to make friends.

Thank you. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being my teacher, for being my brother, for being the "panda of my life", for being the person who makes me feel loved, for being my inspiration to keep going, for being the shoulder I could lean on, for being a part of my life and lastly, for being my soulmate. (Not romantically soul mate okay?)

You're everything that I wanted to have. You're that 'something' that filled the hole in my heart. You're someone that I needed in my journey here in high school. 

As your friend, I want to make you feel happy even if you're under a lot of stress because of school and requirements AHAHAHAHAHA. I MEAN, THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS DO!

All I wish is for you to enjoy your day today. Spend your day to chill and have fun with your family and friends! I know I can't be yours aww, I'm supposed to wrap myself in a gift wrap and send myself to your house with dinakdakan on my hand, joke. 

But anyway, HAHAHAHAHA. Please do enjoy yourself, my dearest panda and here is where my letter ends. 

Happy birthday again! I lOvE you❤ Always take good care of yourself honey because getting sick isn't a good thing. 

Have good rest, always keep yourself balanced and just enjoy your life! No need to always ace everything. Make some mistakes once in a while. It's fine. 

Mistakes are a part of life so instead of sulking over mistakes and blaming yourself for everything, why not learn from them, appreciate them and actually enjoy what you're doing? Isn't that the better essence of life? 

I mean, there's more to life than mistakes. You won't learn and enjoy life if you always aim for perfection, you know?

Just know that I'm here. Even if you start to hate me, I'll still be here. I love you always, panda. Anyway, lovely to disturb you.

Lots of love,

Cali😘 AKA Your Krazy ✨beautiful✨ protege /j"

-To be continued-

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