Like or Love?

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[7:00 PM, May 17, 2022]

"Dear Calista,

Hello, my darling. How are you? I know you've been stressing yourself out but I just want to are you in general? Are you still doing well? Are you still okay?

If you're stressed, just chill for a bit. It won't hurt for you to rest. But, anyway. That's not the reason why I'm writing this letter for you. I'm writing this because...well...

I just want to ask you...Do you like him or do you love him? Like and love are two different things. Like isn't something very intimate or very deep in contrast with love. Love is something much deeper.

Do you consider him as someone you just like? Is he someone that you just like because he is smart, handsome and cute? Do you consider him as just a "happy crush"?

Or do you consider him as someone you want to end up with in the near future? Someone whose heart you want to pursue? Do you consider him as someone you actually love?

Is he someone you want to end up with in the future? Does he make you feel special? Did he make you feel something you've never felt before? A warming and comforting feeling that you've never experienced from someone?

Was there something about him that made you decide that "Oh, I love this guy and I want to be with him because..."? It's just...I'm just so confused. I really want to ask myself...why do I feel this way?

Am I really in love with the guy I've only met online? Am I really in love with the guy I considered a great friend because of all the emotions he made me feel? Am I really in love with my classmate whom I've never met before?

Am I I really in love? If this is do I know that it really is? I really want to make sure that I don't fall for someone who is not worth it...Maybe I feel like he's the one but what if he isn't?

This is just so confusing...this is confusing, tiring and annoying. I shouldn't feel this way...why is it that when he told me he likes someone...why did I feel my heart crack?

I hate this...have I really fallen in love with him? He always runs in my mind, he's in every fantasy that I could ever imagine...and in most of my dreams...he and I ended up together...

I hate this feeling. I don't like this. What if this isn't love? What if this is an obsession? I don't want him to think that I'm a creep. I've never personally met him but why am I getting butterflies whenever I see him on the screen?

I hate this feeling. Why do I feel this way? I don't deserve this. He already likes someone else but why is my heart screaming at me, telling me that he's the one? Just why...

Ha...I'll just rest. I've been through a lot. I'm sorry, Mi Vida. I know you're tired of falling in love and I know you're tired of being in please rest your heart love. I'm sorry...

Your dearest self,


To be continued...

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