Chapter 15

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After Lenore opened her eyes, it took a minute for reality to seep back in

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After Lenore opened her eyes, it took a minute for reality to seep back in. When it did, she couldn't help but smile. Barely a month ago, coming to Eden had felt like a prison sentence for a crime she didn't commit. Now it was the only place she wanted to be...

Because that was where Victor was.

The world works in strange ways...

Still grinning, she rolled over in bed and let her eyes roam to the big window at the back of her room. Outside, the sky over the forest was just as bruised as yesterday and she could hear the steady pitter-patter of rain on the roof overhead. It was miserable weather, as it always seemed to be in Eden, but Lenore didn't care.

Today was going to be special.

Lenore threw off her covers and leapt out of bed. Despite the gloom of the storm, she felt like she was connected to a socket, energy was surging through her. It wasn't quite six in the morning, a whole two hours earlier than her usual wake-up time, but that was fine. She wanted to spend a little more time getting ready anyway.

She grabbed her phone on the way to her closet and checked her messages. There was nothing new from Victor since yesterday. Not so surprising, considering the hour. His last message had arrived only a few minutes after her fight with her mom when he was still on his way home.

Forgot to tell you what time i would pick you up

Guess i got a lil too excited lol

Does 7.45 work?

Lenore had replied, Works for me. Looking forward to it.

Seen you then i guess, Victor had added. Cant wait.

Her heart fluttered as she read over those last words.

She quickly typed out a new message.

Morning! Can't wait to see you.

Lenore sighed as she sent it, and then again as she looked over the contents of her closet. Most of her wardrobe was still in her suitcase on the floor because she hadn't bothered to unpack it. She chose the least wrinkled items—jeans and a dark green long-sleeve shirt—and pulled them on. It had been a while since she had put any real effort into her appearance and she was a little worried she had forgotten how. At least getting up early meant she had plenty of time to figure it out. She dove back into the suitcase, looking for her makeup...

Downstairs, a door slammed.

Lenore paused her search and listened. That had sounded like the front door. It had to be her...

"Mom?" she called. Isn't it kind of early for mom to be up?

There was no answer.

Lenore gave up on digging around in her suitcase and headed out to find out what was going on. As she stepped into the hall, she listened to the usual creaks and groans of the old house. When she was little, her grandmother taught her how to use those sounds to pinpoint where someone was.

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