Chapter 16

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The wipers swiped frantically at the windshield, but there was so much rain it did little good

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The wipers swiped frantically at the windshield, but there was so much rain it did little good. Lenore wondered if it was even safe for them to be on the road in this weather. The small creek that ran through town had swollen to a raging river and the neighbouring streets were now half submerged, forcing her mother to take a roundabout route to the school.

Lenore's thoughts were still spiralling. Maybe that's what happened to Victor—his basement got flooded and he was too busy helping his mom that he forgot to call. She checked her phone. Victor still hadn't read her message. Or maybe he dropped his phone in a puddle. Or maybe he...

She wondered if he'd be at school. Would she be able to stir up the courage to talk to him? There had to be a reasonable explanation for why he didn't come this morning.

He wouldn't have just ghosted her...


As they drove, her mother kept looking over at her. Lenore pretended she didn't notice. She had an inkling that her mother wanted to ask questions, and Lenore wasn't interested in getting into it, least of all with her mother. And anyway, with the awful weather, she wished her mom would keep her eyes on the road.

As soon as her mother pulled up to the drop-off point, Lenore released her seatbelt.

"Thanks for the ride," she said, hopping out.

Her mother didn't respond.

She looked back at her, ready to slam the door, and her mother was studying her, her icy eyes intent as they focused on her features. Lenore felt like her mother's gaze could reach past her face and comb right through her thoughts. It sent a shiver up her back. She averted her eyes and shrugged, trying to shake off the strange feeling.

"Call me if you need a ride after school," her mother said. "Or if the weather gets worse and they cancel class." Her gaze finally left Lenore and fixed on the angry dark sky overhead.

"Doubt they'll do that," Lenore said. Looking over the parking lots, it seemed most people were already there. The school was notorious for staying open, come hell... or literal high water.

"Well, either way. If you want to come home, just call," her mother offered, her voice softer this time.

Lenore was surprised her mother was suggesting that after making such a big deal about her absences.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said and slammed the door.

Her mother didn't pull away until Lenore had stepped through the doors of the school.

Inside, it seemed that more than the weather had cast a cloud over her classmates. Everyone seemed on edge, their eyes nervously darting around as if they were fearful of being watched. Their gazes caught on her as she passed by like it was her first day all over again.

She hurried off. She needed to stop by her locker anyway. And, if she was lucky, maybe Victor would be there, too. Maybe he was waiting for her...

At least, she hoped so. She hoped he had a perfectly ordinary explanation for why he hadn't come for her this morning. Maybe his car had broken down and he was so sorry, he'd insist on making it up to her in some way. Maybe he—

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