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A/N: It's not anywhere near ready. But it's slowly coming together (if nothing else, in my head), the sequel to Olivia & Ricky's Odyssey to Rock Bottom. This is a little teasing sneak peek of the prologue for the forthcoming book.
Any guesses as to what will be in store for these two? All I can say, is that the drama is guaranteed to continue.
Until then, enjoy.


"All done." Olivia smiled as she watched Zeppelin race off after drying his fur and paws for snow. Pushing the sleeves of her oversized sweater up, she grabbed the cupholder with the two hot takeout mochas and the small paper bag—lightly grease-stained from the freshly baked pastry inside, and followed the blueish-gray pit bull mix.

Coming into the bright living room at one end of the apartment, she deliberately ignored the giant framed mugshot of Ricky, hanging on the wall. Though she understood his rationale for wanting it up as a reminder of how deep he had sunken, and to never let it happen again, it made Olivia uncomfortable as it was also a reminder of the lowest point in their relationship. She would rather not think of, or be reminded of that time. It was seven years ago. They had had their ups and downs since then, but they had also grown closer and stronger with the help of therapy. Olivia preferred focusing on that, rather than one summer which led both of them to their rock bottom.

"They brought out a fresh batch of their amazing giant cinnamon rolls when I was in line. So, I couldn't resist getting one," Olivia said, walking over to the couch where Ricky sat with his feet up on the chaise lounge, Zeppelin resting his head on Ricky's crossed ankles. The dog had one ear standing up straight, as always, while the other was helplessly flopped over. It was this goofy trade of his that made Olivia fall for the dog when she and Ricky were looking to rescue one, and it still made her smile.

Ricky didn't react to what she'd said at first. Sitting in a pair of gray sweatpants and a T-shirt, he had his concentration fixed on his phone—absentmindedly pulling on his short stubbled beard.

"So? What she say?" Olivia asked, sitting down on the couch next to Ricky, placing the mochas and paper bag on the low coffee table.

"Uh." Ricky scratched the back of his head through the black beanie he was wearing, taking his gaze away from the phone for a second to glance over at Olivia, who was freeing the mochas from the cupholder. "Yeah, I uh, I got a couple more shows."

Olivia smiled as she handed him his takeout cup. "Really? That's amazing. I'm so proud of you." She leaned toward him and kissed his cheek.

Ricky smiled at her, feeling a warm spread to his face. Not much could make him shy, but getting praised was still something he didn't quite know how to handle.

Grabbing her own mocha and the paper bag, Olivia scooted up to Ricky, leaning her back against his side as he automatically moved his arm to accommodate her. She kicked her legs up on the couch and covered them with a blanket.

"So, who've you booked?" she asked, opening the paper bag, letting out the sweet smell of cinnamon and sugar icing.

Ricky swallowed a mouthful of his mocha drink. "Ralph Lauren wants me again. And then this newer designer, Hugh Wood, whom I'm not sure if you know?" He put his cup down on the end table, adding the last details to the calendar on his phone.

"Mm-mm." Olivia confirmed in the negative that she didn't, taking a bite of the big soft cinnamon roll. She closed her eyes and sighed at its deliciousness. Warm, sweet, and with just a hint of spice.

"And then I have Tom's show." Ricky had been the face of Tom Ford's campaigns over the past couple of years and was therefore a shoo-in for his show at the New York Fashion Week.

Olivia and Ricky's Odyssey to Rock BottomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang