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9. Misfortunes align

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Content warning: Though there aren't graphic details, this chapter contains mentions of sexual assault.


Olivia had been grounded for a month. Coming home with makeup streaked down her cheeks, she had tried to explain her reasons why for going to the First Dance to her parents.

"I tried talking to you, but you wouldn't even hear me out," she cried as she sat on the tiffany-blue bedspread covering her bed, hugging a large pillow to her chest.

Her mother sat across from Olivia on the bed; her back leaned against the white, Victorian-inspired, wrought iron footboard. William stood behind his wife with arms crossed, a stern expression on his face as he regarded his daughter.

"I know what I did was wrong," Olivia continued, sniffing to keep her nose from running, "and I'm really sorry about that, but it felt like I didn't have any other choice. It was just a school dance. Nothing dangerous happened." She shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "It just, it feels like you're trying to control everything I do, and I can't live like that. You can't expect me not to want to go to parties. I'm not a little kid anymore." She wiped a runaway tear from her cheek.

"You go to parties," Christina disagreed.

Olivia sighed heavily. "Yeah, social events with supervision and adult participation." She waved an arm at her parents. "I mean parties for people my age. Without parents present." She sniffed again and wiped under her eye. "I just want to act my age and have fun with the few friends I actually have, without being told I'm wrong for wanting that."

"Liv," her mother sighed.

"When do I get to have a life?" Olivia looked from her mother to her father with swimming, red eyes.

William took a deep breath. "Look—" he started, but Olivia cut in.

"It feels like I'm being punished for what happened to Tom, and that's not fair. It wasn't my fault." She hugged the large pillow tighter.

Both Christina and William were quiet as they exchanged a look between them.

"We are trying to keep you safe," William said in a tired voice. "So that something like that doesn't happen to you," his voice grew harsher, trying to restrain himself from shouting; feeling frustrated Olivia couldn't see they had established the rules for her protection.

"Maybe we need to loosen the rules a little, Billy," Christina said calmly and peered up at him but got a disapproving look in return.

"That does not excuse the way she went about tonight," William argued, groaning the next second at the pleading look in Olivia's eyes. "Your mother and I will talk about it," he caved a little. "But for now, you are grounded, young lady." He gave Olivia a stern look, pointing at her. "And do not think we will let this pass again. Break our rules one more time, and I won't hesitate to send you off to live with Mamie and Grampa for the rest of your senior year." He made a sweeping motion with his finger through the air, like a plane taking off from New York to Minnesota, where Olivia's paternal grandparents lived.

So there she was, grounded for a month. She was only allowed to leave the house for school, her volunteer job at an animal shelter, and at the family law firm. Every Sunday, she could attend church with her grandmother, like always, but nothing else. Her TV, Internet, and phone privileges had all been revoked, and she was not to see Roxie anymore. To top it off, her father had started giving her the silent treatment. Being stuck in her house was intolerable.

At school, things weren't much better. The Witches of Upper Eastwick, or just the Witches, as Roxie had started calling Olivia's three tormentors, seemed to have picked up their hunt on her with renewed energy. Roxie's attempts to help only made matters worse, so she was trying to stay out of it—however difficult she found it. Hanging out—and making out—with Sebastian whenever she could, did help keep her mind occupied though.

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