36 - Hope

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My patience wears thin as the night trails on, waiting for my mate to make her nightly appearance.

I pace for hours, holding my side from fear of reassurance. The stabbing pain from earlier may be gone, but the memory of it lingers on just as powerfully.

I still have no idea what it was, but I start to think on it, dissecting the feelings that plagued me in those short moments of sheer agony.

It doesn't make sense, I haven't felt anything like to before. I've handled pain, handled it well, but I've never had to deal with something so unexpected, so sudden and unmatched.

I felt as if my life was being taken from me.

The night comes and goes, the sun has risen from behind the highlands. I don't have to see it to know. It's a natural knowledge ingrained in my veins. I've come to know that as soon as dawn hits I begin to feel drowsy.

And still I have not seen my precious Ailsa.

I wonder if it's impart to due with the visit I had early. If that's the case, they've given me more reason to kill them. I feel cheated. They've taken the only thing that I look forward to.

My mind turns sour as I settle down to sleep. I'm adjusting and readjusting my body until I find something semi comfortable.

A moment of clarity hits me and I sprout up.

Giving Ailsa my blood strengthened the bond. I've given her my blood, she's given me hers. The bond has become more solid, more established.

Strengthening the bond allows you to feel what your mate feels. I felt an unbearable amount of pain, otherwise unexplained. That can only mean one thing.

"Damn it!" I yell, sprinting up and banging my fists against the wall as outrage erupts inside of me, the monster wanting to come out and wage war.

I hit the stone wall again, hearing it crack as tiny pieces of broken pebbles fall across my shoulders. I look up, my hopes brimming, only to see nothing of consequence.

"Damn it all the hell." I run a hand through my hair, breathing harshly as a craze unlike any other rushes through my body.

The hot, liquid fury burns as it travels down my limbs, into each of my fingers, flooding them with strength, strength that I can't even utilize.

I yell out, my voice echoing as it breaks.

She's hurt. She could be dead. I have no way of finding out. I have no way of escaping and helping her. I'm useless here, and I hate it.

I've trained my whole life to be strong, to be an impenetrable force. All of it was in the hopes that one day I would have someone or something that I can protect, something that brought me to my knees with love, something I could fight for. And now that I have her, I've been stripped of that power that I gained just for her.

I jump forward, wrapping my hands around the silver bars, ignoring the sting as I shake them as hard as I can.

They start to bend, and I pull harder, but the pain in my hands builds and builds until it becomes too much.

I release the bars with a gasp, panting as I look down at my hands, turning them to myself to examine the damage I've done.

The skin is red and burned, blisters already bubbling to the surface.

I curse up and down, seething with guilt that no matter how much strength I seem to possess, its not enough, but just barely close enough. I'm so close to being able to break out of here, so damn close. If I just had a little moonlight on my skin I could destroy this cell brick by brick.

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