45 - No Time To Waste

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Many years ago, I fought valiantly in a battle to defend the freedom of Scotland against the English. There were several forms of firearms being used by then, and the sound of a rifle erupting close to my sensitive ears left them ringing loudly for hours. I haven't experienced the sensation in years, until now. My ears are aching with the noise of it.

I groan, wanting them to silence, wanting the agony of the annoyance the cease. Where is the dripping water when you need it? I'd prefer that immensely.

My pain is bad enough, now I got another little pestering thing on top of that? At the thought of the wounds, I begin to process, to reassess. Then something goes off in my head.

The realization comes in full swing. There is no pain, not even a slight sliver of it. I feel good. Refreshed. Strong.

I flex my hands, by the Moon Goddess I feel stronger than I have in all my life. The sheer power pulsing in my veins aids me more than I've ever known. The sensation of the power is like a current, begging to be used and causing me to be utterly restless with the strength of it.

Rolling, I look down at my arms, tensing my muscles and watching them move solidly under healthy looking skin. I take a deep breath, recognizing the fresh air pulling into my lungs. Its startling, this realization that I am indeed outside, that there's night air all around me, and there is no hard floor underneath me.

Nothing remains of the stone cell built around me. All it left me with are horrid memories and harsh realities.

It all comes back to me as I stand, teetering on my unstable feet. The jail. The chains. The lashes. The pain. The torture. The starving. My mate.

I shoot up straight comnpletley, my balance returning as I stumble forward, frantically looking around. Night ahs fallen, the forest I'm sitting in is dark, stars lighting up the sky, the moon in waning gibbous. Trees are everywhere, not a single one of them familiar to me. Wait, forest? How the hell did I get here?

More importantly, where is Ailsa?


I'm running now, passing through the trees frantically, the ground crunching beneath my shoeless feet. My mate, I need to find my mate. I frantically shuffle through the thick foliage tangling my boots, my wits are not as quick as they should be. I'm still recovering. Still reeling.

For Goddess sake, I dont even know where it is that I'm going, let alone where I am. All I know is that I must find my way back to her. Must I simply follow my intuition? Will it guide me well?

"Woah there, Fraser. It's alright. You're safe now." I stare at the vampire that is now before me, bumping into his chest in my haste and stopping to stare at his unruly hair. The curls fall over the place, his smile welcoming and sly. His green eyes are all too familiar to me as he holds me in place.

"Alec?" I grumble, his grin is enough to confirm. He spreads his arms wide.

"We finally found you, Laird. We saved you. Took you from the Sinclair's as they slept." Alec says on a mischievous laugh, and then I hear another of those self satisfied laughs behind me. It's a chuckle I've heard for years, and one I thought I wouldn't hear again.

I whip around to see my dear friend Gavin standing there. I'm in shock. He is still the same old nuisance. I grin, and chuckle in happiness.

I turn back to Alec, and immediately go to him, embarrassment be damned. It has been forever since I'd seen my kin and I am not about to hide my joy of it. I hug him tight to me, ruffling his hair.

My Wee MateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin