interlude // cora's text messages

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Valerie: i'm texting from cora's phone since you've been ignoring me. which was a really stupid idea.

Valerie: she also told what you've been doing

Kai: what have i allegedly been doing?

Valerie: telling people that you're a blackmailer. you should have just told them you're an idiot. it would have saved time AND been more accurate.

Kai: i actually prefer 'benevolent' or 'effortlessly sexy'

Valerie: again with the inadequate descriptions

Valerie: i'm coming to find you, you know

Kai: if you're coming to be play nice, i'm in the back garden at home

Valerie: i know. cora told me.

Kai: but if you're coming to yell at me for being an idiot, I'm actually very busy. counting each individual blade of grass

Valerie: i would hate to tear you away from your task. that wouldn't be very benevolent of me. but i am nailing the effortlessly sexy thing at the moment, so 50% isn't too bad

Kai: you always nail the effortlessly sexy thing

Valerie: i'm glad to see the 'being a massive bitch' thing over the past few weeks hasn't impacted your shameless hussy agenda

Kai: i don't think an asteroid hitting the planet at maximum speed could impact my shameless hussy agenda when it comes to you

Kai: what i'm trying to say is

Kai: i'm sure i can spare a minute

Valerie: it won't take long, promise

Kai: why? What do you have to say

Valerie: just three words

Kai: three good words?

Valerie: I certainly hope so

Valerie: and ideally, they'll only require a four word response

Kai: i think i have four words in me, little Valerie

Valerie: good. because i'm here.

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