interlude // instagram DM

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Kai: i want you to know that i am deeply embarrassed

Kai: and i will be paying you back ASAP

Valerie: embarrassment is healthy for your ego

Valerie: and don't stress about it, seriously

Valerie: but you should also probably work on your parking. step one: avoid other cars.

Kai: your advice is so insightful, thanks. will you just let me grab a notebook so i can jot down this really sage advice?

Valerie: no problem. 

Valerie: ready?

Valerie: step two: don't be the shittest driver known to mankind. 

Kai: well, maybe i was wiped from looking after a certain drunkard last night

Kai: which, you should probably work on holding your liquor. step one: avoid absinthe


Kai: a lot of it. you told me it's the only liquor that "drowns betrayal". you also said the green was speaking to you. 

Valerie: no wonder i popped a tit

Valerie: absinthe loosens my morals and my clothes. every time.

Kai: oh my

Kai: i'm blushing, little valerie

Kai: you're offending my delicate sensibilities

Valerie: oh, go clutch your pearls

Valerie: since when has kai delaney been a prude?

Kai: since he saw valerie williams' self-categorised second-best boob

Kai: which he respectfully caught only one unintentional glimpse of

Valerie: well, i need more absinthe to flash the best one. i can't just be flashing her willy nilly. it's a religious experience.

Kai: you are so weird

Valerie: hitting my car AND calling me weird, all in one day? do you have some sort of vendetta against me today

Kai: you did puke on my shoes

Valerie: well, you did smash into my car. i'm happy to buy you new shoes, if we want to keep things equal? 

Kai: touché, little valerie. touché. 

Best Served FakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon