8- close call

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juliette + third person 

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juliette + third person 

present; narrative

It's been a bit over a month since school started again. Paige was always busy with practices, games or school and I was going crazy because of how many exams I had. I was almost always in the library and when I wasn't I was at home studying. I barely saw Paige other than at practices and when it ended we went our separate ways because we were so busy. I honestly hated it. Someone I grew so used to being around everyday had almost disappeared from my life, not on purpose but that's just college.

I had my last exam today and now I could finally relax after cramping words and treatments into my head. I was on my way to practice now, almost shaking with excitement about actually being present during practices instead of studying and catching up on homework during them. I parked and walked inside, basically hopping with how happy I was. When I got inside the girls were shooting around waiting for Geno.

"Ooo what's got Jules so happy?" Aaliyah asked as I walked in, my happiness radiating off me. Paige turned to look at me, smiling.

"I'm all caught up and I had my last exam today." I beamed and they all cheered. That was probably one of my favorite things. Even the smallest things caused the biggest celebrations with these girls. All of them were screaming and hugging each other. "And I can actually pay attention during practice now." I said and they got more excited.

"Good, you've been missing some great shots of me." Paige said, winking at me and flexing making Azzi push her. 

Geno walked in and the girls went serious, doing drills and scenarios. I just took pictures, of course mostly of Paige who was on fire today.

Practice ended and the girls went to change and leave, I packed up my stuff and camera as I was about to head out.

"Julie, stay, shoot around with me." Paige screamed, coming out of the locker room with a towel on her shoulder. I shrugged, why not. Putting my stuff down on the chair and walking to the middle of the court where Paige stood.

She took some shots and I just stood there before she passed the ball over to me, I shot and it hit the backboard before bouncing out and Paige laughed at me, running to grab the ball.

"Your form sucks Jules." She laughed, coming up behind me and putting the ball between her feet. "Your hands go here." She said, grabbing my arm and placing them properly before putting her hands on my waist and getting me to stand properly. "Try now." She said handing me the ball and walking away.

Her touch left my skin on fire but I took the shot, scored and turned to look at her excitedly and she grabbed me, throwing me over her shoulder and running around the gym.

"Watch out for Bronson." She screamed, putting me back on the ground and laughing.

We took a few more shots, me missing most of them but when I scored she got excited, as if she had scored herself.

"Wanna try a 3?" She asked, smirking at me. I nodded and she dragged me to the 3 point line, moving my arms around so they would be 'proper form' as she stood behind me. I could feel her so close to me, almost distracting me as I tried to focus on this shot.

I took my best shot and scored, whipping around and looking at Paige with my jaw dropped. The second we came face to face I noticed how close we were. She was still looking at the hoop, her eyes sparkling with happiness before she looked down at me.

She noticed how close we were standing, her chest almost touching my body. I looked up at her, my eyes suddenly shifting to her lips as she licked them. She looked between my lips and my eyes, not being very subtle when she glanced down at my mouth.

I just wanted to kiss her, for the first time I wanted to feel her lips on mine. It was becoming harder to stop myself being this close to her as she continued gliding her tongue across her bottom lip. She looked at me once more before taking a step back and ruining the moment. I got embarrassed, taking a step back too and looking everywhere but Paige.

"We should head out." She said clearing her throat, grabbing her stuff and walking out, I followed after her. She had her car tonight and I had mine so we would be going our separate ways now. We stopped by my car and she looked around awkwardly, not wanting to make eye contact with me after what happened inside. She stuck her fist out in front of me. A fucking fist bump.

"Bye Jules, see ya." She said as I did her dumb fist bump. Her tone was so awkward and strained that I wanted to melt into the sidewalk. Was it really that big of a deal?

"Bye Paige." I replied, dryly before getting in my car and driving away, wanting to get out of this extremely awkward situation as soon as possible.

I can't believe we almost kissed and this is how she reacts. 

I got home, immediately jumping into bed and ranting to Rose about the interaction I just had with Paige. I could tell she felt embarrassed for me so she just rubbed my back as I groaned into my pillows.


third person

Paige had just gotten home, walking in like she had seen a ghost. Azzi stared at her best friend waiting for her to move from in front of the door.

"I just ruined any chances I had with Jules." Paige said, taking a seat on the couch next to Azzi who just looked at her, waiting for the full story. She assumed Paige was just being dramatic like she usually was. "I asked her to stay with me after practice to shoot around and it was going great until she made a 3, turned around and we were like this close." Paige exclaimed, using her hands to demonstrate how close they were to Azzi.

"Then we just stared at each other and I saw her looking at my lips and I was looking at hers and it was the perfect moment to kiss someone but I freaked out and backed up." Paige groaned, throwing herself back to lay down.

Azzi's eyes went wide at her best friend's story but she tried to be supportive and help her out.

"AND to make it even worse I gave her a fist bump. Who does that? I was like 'see ya Jules' and gave her a fist bump. I'm never leaving this apartment again." Paige continued, shooting back up to look at her friend's reaction.

Azzi cringed at the story which made Paige groan even harder.

"I mean it can't be that bad right?" Azzi said in a sad attempt to make Paige feel better.

"I might as well stay single for the rest of my life and live in the woods." Paige screamed, putting a pillow on her face.

"If Jules really likes you then she probably understands you just freaked out, it happens to the best of us." Azzi replied, making Paige take the pillow off her head.

"Hopefully." She said before putting her hands over her face. Embarrassed by her own actions. 

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