23- too late

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present; narrative

Brunch was the best part of any day. As ancient as that might make me sound, it's the truth. It's the perfect time of day, you could have lunch foods and breakfast foods at the same time and it sounded so cool, come on, Brunch.

I was excitedly getting ready for Brunch. It was Saturday, I woke up with my pimple gone and my room was clean. I had no reason to be in anything but a very happy mood. I danced around while putting blush across my cheeks.

The team was having Brunch with the men's basketball team today. It was just a small thing that they liked to do sometimes. The men and womens teams tried to get along as much as possible which they did but that also meant Jay, Paige and I in one room. I would've bailed if I knew Jay would be here. I thought it was just us girls and Geno but when Jay asked me if I was gonna show I wanted to hide away. At least if a fight broke out I could hide behind Dorka.

Thankfully I was driving myself, alone. Something I missed doing more. Me and Rose drove together to most classes which I appreciated but that girl had a coffee addiction and was making me broke. Anytime I had plans people just insisted on picking me up. Some days I just wanted to be alone in my car with my music and no complaints from anyone else.

We were just having brunch at the center which I didn't mind since I spent most of my time there during the summer anyways. The girls were usually practicing there or working out. Paige didn't show to all of them, having started her rehab but when she could be there she always was, being the best hype woman. When I got there I parked, the parking lot already being full with cars and walked in. Lou, Dorka and Caroline saw me first, engulfing me in a group hug that knocked the air out of me.

I said hi to all the girls, all the guys Jay had introduced me to and all the coaches I knew of. Still no sign of Paige or Jay so my breathing was still at a regular pace. I had my arm around Nika's waist and her's around my shoulder as we talked to Geno, mostly them teasing each other.

"P, Az, finally." Ice screamed, turning my attention to the two girls walking in. Paige had her hair in a low bun, a style that I started seeing more on her. She looked great. Her walking was better and her smile lit the room up. Nika walked over to say hi, dragging me with her. My arms went around Azzi first and we swayed as we hugged, missing each other's company. When I pulled away Nika and Paige were pulling away from their hug. I locked eyes with Paige, opening my arms up and giving her a hug too. The contact left my skin on fire and I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay wrapped in her arms the way we were meant to be. Geno's screaming pulled me away from the hug as everyone went to take their seats at the table. I was sitting next to Nika and Paige and Azzi were in front of me. There was an empty seat on my right and I examined everyone to see who was missing. Jay.

Speak of the devil he comes rushing in. "Sorry guys." He hits a few of his teammates before taking the empty seat on my right. I make eye contact with Paige in front of me as her face hardens, going back to glare at the boy taking his seat. Even worse that Jay wrapped his arm around the back of my chair, making Ice and Amari smirk but Paige looked away.

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