Chapter 43

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Everyone is doing their best. Pushing their limits, overcoming their personal dilemmas to reach for the stars.

That is what I loved about them. My knights.

"Vinny!! I swear on my name if you fall before 5 minutes I'm going to have your head!" I screamed irritatedly.

"Bite me!" He retorted as I gasped in offense.

"I'll take that as a challenge!" I exclaimed, trying to pull him up by his hair and bite his hand.

"Mary... They're fighting again..." Hero smiled awkwardly.

"Princesses don't bite, Snow! Vinny, leave her alone!" Mary screamed, trying to break up the fighting.

And Arian did what he always did. Cheer me on...

"Beat him up, Snow!" Arian cheered.

"Don't encourage her..." Hero said with a slight migraine.

"Hmph! How's that for a bite?" I asked tauntingly as he rubbed his hand in pain but being beast men the pain went away almost immediately.

"Alright, Alright, children, feel better?" Mary asked irritatedly.

"She bit me," Vinny grumbled.

"You told me to!" I said, sticking out my tongue.

"Alright, enough games. I'll go do the regular now," Vinny said trying to slink away.

"Ohhh, no, Vinny, it's been 2 months, you're not leaving till you can carry your weight and do the 5 minute plank!" I smiled threateningly.

"Oh, yeah? Brawl me for it!" He challenged as I quickly pounced on him and started to lay some heavy punches on him.

"Is that all you've got?! That's barely a tickle!" He said as he kicked me off of him.

"There they go again..." Hero sighed.

"Go Snow!!" Cheered Arian.

"... I give up," Mary said, disappointed.

After I won the brawl Vinny started on the planks again.

This is how he always was. The more comfortable he was with me the rougher he got. But it was just his way of friendly banter. And I didn't mind since I was stronger than he was.

And after a good brawl he'd use it as inspiration for his next exercises.

But I was the only one who really understood him.

"Remember, everyone. My father will be playing tricks, using loopholes, and slightly underhanded but legal tactics to make you all fall. So I'm going to teach you all hand to hand combat. After all, there's more than one way to draw blood," I laughed.

After Vinny completed his task he joined us in training hand to hand combat. Mary was able to throw Vinny over her shoulder by the time we were done.

I had decided that it would be good if we visited Fantasia to check on father's progress. We had agreed that I couldn't use spies and on the last week father couldn't either so it was best we scope out the competition now.

"So who do you think your father has recruited?" Asked Hero curiously.

"It's hard to say... Father is pretty tricky, he'll probably take knights that'll spice up the duel. I just don't know how yet," I answered honestly.

"Do you really think... We can win? Princess?" Mary asked, slightly nervous.

I smiled at her, "I have faith in all of you. No matter what tricks my father pulls, I know I've trained you right. Even if we don't win, I still want all of you to become my personal knights,"

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