Chapter 49

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"You've been hiding a familiar from me all this time, Snowflake? I'm a little hurt," Victor frowned.

Snow smiled slightly.

"But it's only fair. Since I haven't told you either. Ursa, lend me your strength," Victor's silver armor turned into a thick leather tunic and a bearpaw appeared on his face.

Snow was shocked as the two clashed using their claws.

Snow was starting to worry. If she couldn't out strength her father then she was going to out number him.

'Alistair, is there a way to borrow strength from all the familiars at once?' she asked telepathically.

Her father struck before Alistair could respond, almost getting a scratch on her.

'No, we can only lend you strength one at a time. But to switch from one familiar to another will drain your energy and might cause you to tap into your life force,' Alistair explained.

If that happens Snow would cough up blood and lose.

Snow was too busy thinking to attack and her father was taking full advantage.

"You're not taking this seriously, Snowflake," he grinned, going for her side.

"Bonnie!" She called as her armor changed into a lightweight tailcoat, colored a light blue, white, and black.

"Two? Two familiars?" Victor asked in shock.

Snow disappeared into a migic circle. Like a rabbit hole she teleported behind him and almost got a cut before Victor grabbed her by the arm and tried to scratch her arm.

Snow roared and Victor was blown back. She was actively switching between Alistair and Bonnie.

But she only had 3 switches left before she would start coughing out blood.

"Let's make it count, Alistair," she sighed.

Snow was having a hard time going on the offense.

Snow threw twin blades at Victor as he doged them. They came back around like a boomerang but Victor knew it was coming.

Snow used another switch to use Bonnie's teleportation blessing.

She moved so fast that Victor was starting to get dizzy from the light of the magic circles and speed of Snow.

Snow closed her eyes and used her second switch. She roared, also sending a blinding light.

Victor was dizzy, disoriented, and slightly blinded.

With one last switch she gained Silver's blessing and restricted Victor with enchanted chains. The chains would release spikes and wound Victor.

But before the chains could even touch Victor he sliced the chains and regained focus.

"No!" Snow exclaimed. She couldn't switch her blessing anymore and she was running extremely low on power.

She could taste the blood in her mouth as Victor attacked her relentlessly.

"It was a good try, Snowflake. But you're still too young to challenge your father," Victor smiled, successfully kicking her down.

Snow tried hard to swallow the blood coming up.

Suddenly a loud caw was heard and a flaming bird came down and knocked Victor back.

"A... Familiar?" Snow asked, shocked.

'He's a friend, Snow. One that will help you win this battle,' Silver told her.

"I am the only one who can replenish your power source. If you agree to be my master, I will serve you till the day you are no more. I am Pheneus," the phoenix bowed.

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