Chapter 16

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The day of the engagement ceremony had finally arrived, casting an enchanting aura over the grand hall. Every corner was adorned with exquisite decorations, and the air buzzed with an electric energy of excitement and anticipation.

Unlike the previous debutante ball held for Ava, this occasion drew a more prestigious and high-profile crowd. Dignitaries, nobles, and influential figures had gathered not only to extend their congratulations to Ava but also to honor the presence of the esteemed crown prince.

Vivienne and Milo, standing side by side, took their positions at the entrance of the grand hall. They meticulously checked the guest list, ensuring that every esteemed visitor was accounted for while simultaneously extending warm greetings to each guest as they arrived.

"Vivienne!" Vivienne's mother exclaimed with excitement, rushing over to envelop her daughter in a warm embrace. Not far behind, her father and brother joined the affectionate reunion.

"Mom! Dad! Leopold! I'm working, and you're embarrassing me," Vivienne protested playfully, though her smile revealed her genuine happiness at seeing her beloved family. "Now, please go ahead and enter. I'll join all of you later."

With reluctance, Vivienne's family released her from their embrace and entered the venue, their faces beaming with pride and joy. Soon after, the Crestwell family arrived, and Vivienne couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between Milo and his three older brothers.

Milo, being the youngest of the siblings, found himself at the center of playful teasing from his brothers. His parents wore expressions of both concern and affection as they observed the lighthearted banter. However, knowing his responsibilities for the evening, Milo swiftly shooed his family towards the ballroom, eager to spare himself from any further embarrassment.

With a smile on her face, Vivienne watched as Milo's family disappeared into the bustling crowd, their laughter echoing faintly in the air. It was no surprise to see the presence of Vivienne's and Milo's families among the invited guests, given their prominent status and influence in society.

"You two are on front door duty?" the northern duke inquired as he arrived. Being a member of the royal family, he was expected to make a grand entrance, arriving later than the other nobles.

Vivienne and Milo turned their attention toward the duke, and Vivienne responded with a warm smile. "Yes, Your Grace. We are here to welcome the esteemed guests and ensure a smooth entry into the engagement ceremony."

Milo nodded in agreement, his expression respectful. "Indeed, Your Grace. It is an honor to assist in such an important event."

The northern duke acknowledged their presence with a nod and proceeded to make his way into the grand hall, seamlessly blending into the crowd of distinguished attendees. Vivienne and Milo exchanged knowing glances, realizing that it would be the crown prince, Ava, and the Emperor himself turn to arrive.

Vivienne and Milo's voices echoed through the grand hall as they made a resounding announcement, signaling the entrance of the royal entourage. The room fell into a hushed silence as the doors swung open, revealing the illustrious group. The crown prince, escorted by Ava, glided into the hall with elegance and poise, their every step commanding attention and admiration. Walking in their midst was the Emperor himself, emanating an aura of wisdom and authority that captivated all who beheld him.

The trio proceeded towards the center stage, their purposeful stride hinting at an impending announcement of great significance. All eyes followed their path, eagerly awaiting what was to come, while the air crackled with anticipation. The engagement ceremony had reached its pivotal moment, and the presence of the royal entourage only intensified the atmosphere of grandeur and importance in the hall.

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