Chapter 23

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As Vivienne gazed at her resignation letter, a sigh escaped her lips. She hadn't anticipated developing such a strong attachment to her job. Her mind began to drift, and a series of questions tugged at her thoughts.

'Why didn't the story conclude at the wedding? What lies beyond this point? Am I overlooking something crucial? Typically, after a wedding, tales take a leap forward to a blissful ending,' Vivienne pondered. 'I believed I had found security, but it seems I'm still treading on fragile ground. There's little reason to remain here. It's wiser to return home, where safety and certainty await.'

Vivienne took a deep breath, determined to gather her courage as she made her way toward her familiar workplace. Each step felt burdened with uncertainty, but she pressed on, unwilling to succumb to her doubts. As she reached for the doorknob, her heart raced, anticipating the encounter that lay beyond.

Pushing open the door, Vivienne was greeted by the sight of Milo, diligently engrossed in his work, just as he always was. A sense of comfort washed over her at the sight of his serene dedication.

"Good morning, Vivienne," Milo warmly greeted, glancing up from his task.

With a faint smile, Vivienne returned the greeting, "Good morning, Milo." She approached him slowly, her mind racing with unspoken emotions.

As Milo noticed the unease in Vivienne's expression, he gently inquired, "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Taking a deep breath, Vivienne mustered her resolve and shared her heartfelt decision, "Actually, I have decided to resign from my position as the Crown Prince's secretary and return home." With a touch of vulnerability, she presented him with the letter of resignation she had prepared.

For a moment, a profound silence enveloped them as Milo absorbed the unexpected news. He hadn't anticipated Vivienne's sudden intention to quit, yet a part of him understood the reasons behind her choice. Deep down, he too had been contemplating a similar path.

"I understand. You'll have to inform the Crown Prince himself," Milo replied with a hint of melancholy in his voice. "I will truly miss having you around."

Vivienne offered him a soft smile, appreciating the genuine sentiment in his words. "Thank you, Milo. Your friendship and support have meant the world to me during my time here."

As the reality of parting ways sank in, Vivienne felt a mix of emotions. While she looked forward to the newfound freedom and safety her decision would bring, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness at leaving behind the familiar and the connections she had formed.

"I can always come to visit," she reassured Milo, hoping to alleviate some of the wistfulness. "I am not moving away; I'm simply planning not to work here anymore."

Milo's eyes brightened at the prospect of her visits, and a warm smile returned to his face. "That would be wonderful. Our relationship doesn't have to end just because our roles change."

Vivienne nodded, touched by Milo's understanding and openness. "You're right. True relationships endure through time and distance."

"Vivienne, I must confide in you that I also plan to quit this job," Milo revealed with a hint of determination in his voice. "However, before I depart, I'll take it upon myself to find someone suitable to fill the role of the Crown Prince's secretary. It might take some time, but rest assured, I won't leave this responsibility unattended."

Surprise and relief washed over Vivienne upon hearing Milo's plans. Knowing that he would ensure a smooth transition brought her comfort. She couldn't help but admire his sense of responsibility and dedication, even as he prepared to embark on a new chapter of his life.

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