𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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I kneel up over the toilet vomiting, I just woke up...My throat is burning and my eyes are heavy and my head is pounding really really bad. What a great start to my day.

"Natalie." I call out for her as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

"I'm up, Darling, I'm here, it's alright." She walks into the bathroom quickly, she walks over gathering my hair to hold it back with one hand as the other goes to my head.

I kneel up again vomiting some more, coughing as some tears spill down my face. I drank a little too much last night, I told Floyd go back to work after we spoke and I may have been really upset and overthought our who conversation...I bought alcohol in the store. Natalie gives me money a lot and while it shouldn't be spent on alcohol...I was upset sand didn't think.

"That's it, good girl, get it up." Natalie bends down rubbing my back gently.

"Don't call me that right now—I'm vomiting over the toilet." I give out to her with a little weep. Of course Natalie has my location since we share it incase of emergencies...and she doesn't trust Josephine so she quite literally tracked me down.

"Yes ma'am, sorry." She lets out a breath and I roll my eyes as she keeps rubbing my back. I put my own hand to my head.

"You're alright, it's alright. It's just the alcohol." She kisses the back of my head, she should be hiding away from me since I'm vomiting and looking terrible over a toilet. But no...Natalie decides to hold my hair back for me and kiss the back of my head.

She concerns me sometimes in the best ways.

"I'm never drinking again." I whisper and she hums.

"Good." She says and I huff dropping my head a little, I am still exhausted. I have been asleep since like....I don't know but sometime yesterday, really early.

"I think it's all up." I mumble and she lets go of my hair.

"Alright then, up we get. You need to shower, brush your teeth and rest for another while if you need it." She leans over flushing the toilet.

"Ugh..." I groan and she sighs, helping me up.

Me and Josephine watch a movie on the couch, Natalie took the day off work and decided to stop by her Moms to see how she's doing, she also wanted stop by the store on her way home. She has been gone for awhile which is fine but I also wouldn't mind her hurrying up a little.

It's awkward, really awkward and I don't think I've moved in thirty minutes, yesterday in the car with Josephine there was a lot I found out...that she probably has feelings for me so Natalie was right. I didn't have the time to tell her today.

It's upsetting though, I thought Josephine was just a friend and that Natalie was overthinking but of course Josephine thinks of it as more.

My phone buzzes and I snatch it up quickly hoping it's Natalie randomly deciding to tell me she's on her way home.

Hi love, hope all is well today and you are feeling better after last night. Floyd spoke to me about you needing a job, I'm actually a fashion director at a company called Vivir, I'm looking for an assistant at the moment so I thought you might be interested. If you are, message me back and I can definitely squeeze an interview in some time next week.

I look at Arabella's message, Natalie told me she actually done modelling for her friend Victoria before and I have definitely heard of Vivir—it's actually quite a big company, Charlie used to love their stuff, he always wanted to go to one of their shows.

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