𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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I fix my hoodie before tying my hair back in a bun as I hop around the room, one of my shoe lace is untied and I don't want to trip even though there's more of a chance of me doing so now.

I drop my hand from my messy hair as I kneel down, tying my shoelaces quickly—I woke up a tad bit late so Arabella is going to be here very soon. I really don't want to keep her waiting when she shows up.

Natalie's still asleep, last night was the same, sleeping away from each other but we still say I love you before sleeping. Not doing that would be too far I guess. But ignoring me and being mean isn't. Understandable, Natalie. Really understandable.

I stand quickly, feeling my phone vibrate in my hoodie pocket. I take it out quickly, the phone almost flies out of my hand but I catch it. I'm tired, nervous, sad and a whole lot more. I'm barely functioning right now.


Two minutes!!!

I shove my phone back into my pocket, I run to the closet quickly grabbing my bag with everything I need.

I walk over to Natalie's side of the bed, I pull open her drawer getting out one of her journals. I take a blank page from it quickly as I pick up a pen, writing a quick note for her.

Be back Tuesday.
I love you so so much, baby.

I draw a little heart before setting it down on her nightstand.

I look at her sleeping for a moment. I huff leaning over kissing the top of her head. She mumbles "back to bed" while still asleep.

"I love you." I whisper before my phone buzzes again, I hold my pocket as I quickly run out of the bedroom, uh oh.

I run down the stairs, holding onto the railing so I don't fly downstairs instead and end up with a concussion. It's something that really could happen. There's a big chance of it.

I run over to the front door before stopping.

"Thea—Maggy!" I shout and Dorothea runs out of the living room.

I run over to her quickly, bending down, I pick her up kissing her head a few times.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." I smile before putting her down and looking around for Maggy. I huff.

"Love you too, Mags!" I shout up the stairs before running out the door. I close it quickly before spotting a white jeep down the drive. That's not Arabella's car. I walk down the driveway slowly.

Arabella's in the passenger seat.

I guess I'm in the back, I pull open the door but jump as the girl sitting in the back does too.

"Jesus Christ." I put my hand to my chest and she looks just as frightened as me.

"Shit, I'm so sorry." She says, her voice raspy—she looks like a princess. I was not expecting someone to be here—why are the windows so dark from the outside.

I get into the car slowly, the woman in the drivers seat looking back at me—oh my god, she's even more beautiful in person.

I shut the door as my mouth falls open a little, she's tan, dark brown wavy hair that goes into a caramel brown at the ends. Her skin is clear, shiny and her cheek bones high—oh my god she is so beautiful.

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