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chapter eleven (xi) : who is it?

papa looked at me with a lot of concern 'you mean you cant actually see his face?'. 'No but he's kind hearted I know you have any idea who it could be? Has this ever happened to another one of your sister of sims?' I asked him. 'no honey this is the first time this has happened' he replied 'and im glad that you know hes kind hearted, but why would he be hiding his appearance?.. and your sure there's absolutely no idea of who this person is at all? You see him every night but you cant see his face?' He double checked.

'Exactly, he stands over there where the curtains cast a shadow' I told him pointing to where I meant. 'and he just stands there? he doesn't talk to you or do anything, just stands there in silence?'. 'Exactly' I confirmed. papa looked at me confused 'have you tried talking to him?'. I took a seat next to him on my bed and said 'W-well I spoke to him tonight and asked why i couldn't know who was amongst the darkness but he just said I wouldn't like who he is and that he's the monster that lurks in the shadows to hide who he is..'. papa's expression grew worried at this 'he didn't tell you his identity at all? he didn't even hint at it?'

'No' I shook my head. 'thats odd...' he scratched his head 'why would he just keep the mystery? why wouldn't he just be upfront about who he is? it doesn't make any sense.'. Papa continued thinking until something clearly popped into his mind. 'He's flesh and blood but not human, hides in the shadows..' he mumbled to himself as if he'd figured it out. 'What? Do you know who it is dad?' I asked slightly excited. 'I...I might have an idea' he said, looking worried 'but first i need you to tell me exactly what happened when this man came into your room and started talking to you, I need the full story from the start so i can figure this out'

I told his the full story from when I first saw him to the most recent interaction I had with him which was tonight. papa nodded his head as i told him everything. 'and in all of your encounters with this man, he has never told you his identity? not even once?'. I looked at him before shaking my head 'No but he's clearly insecure about something because he's constantly saying I wouldn't like who he was because he's a 'monster''. 'he says you wouldn't like who he was?' papa looked quite worried as he said that 'thats such a strange thing to say... why would he think you wouldn't like him if you've never said anything that would make him think otherwise?' he paused for a minute then something clicked with him

'What? What is it?' I asked him. papa seemed to have figured something out, but he didnt want to say it to me just yet. 'i think i know who it is.'. 'What? Who?!' I asked eagerly. 'I cant say yet.' papa replied, 'its better you find out on your own, because if this is indeed who i think it is then he would want to tell you himself. you should wait and see what happens tomorrow night when he comes back again, and then you should see how you feel about his identity. does that make sense?'. 'W-why can't you just tell me?..why do I have to wait?' I was so confused. 'i dont want to take away his chance to tell you himself. and if it is actually who I think it is, then I think he deserves that right. just wait until tomorrow night when he comes into your room, and hopefully by that point he should have revealed who he is.'.

I let out a sigh as I shook my head in disbelief 'o-okay I'll wait till tomorrow night where he hopefully tells me' I told him. 'just please, try and relax and get some sleep, you're going to need all the energy you can get for tomorrow.' papa said with worry in his voice. I did as he said and got into bed, Papa stayed with me for a while longer to make sure that I was ok before finally leaving the room. With everything that had happened today i was exhausted so i had no problem falling asleep, but for some reason I had a feeling I wouldn't be so lucky tomorrow night and that I would find myself up late for different reasons...
would I find out who the creature was that had been lurking in the darkness of my room?..

papas daughter { vampire sodo fanfic } Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ