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chapter twenty nine (xxix) : stay the night

the panic immediately returned when he heard those words. he remembered it hurting for him too and knowing that you were experiencing the same kind of pain he went through made him want to tear up again. he began to wipe away the tears on your cheeks as he tried to console you. 'its going to hurt for a while but eventually it will heal...its just the process of you turning...thats all there is to it.' he told you softly while keeping his hands warm on your cheeks. 'Okay' I said softly

this response made him feel a little relieved that you understood what was happening to you and that you werent freaking out and feeling concerned. as he held you closely to him and wiped away your tears again he continued speaking. 'ill take care of you..ill make sure nothing bad happens to you no matter what...i promise..' he whispered softly as he tightened his grip on you and brought you closer to him hoping that his comforting words would help ease some of your pain. As I rested my head against him I whispered 'thankyou love'.

the sound of you calling him 'love' sent waves of pure joy through him. he couldnt help but feel his skin tingle at the soft feeling of your head resting on his shoulder. he had never felt this much joy in his whole life and he was so grateful to have you by his side. 'its okay love...ill make sure to take care of you.' he whispered softly while he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead and tightened the embrace he had on you. I smiled up at sodo before telling everyone 'I love you all' looking around the room 'you especially dad'. your words caused everyone in the room to feel a sudden rush of joy as you spoke and the love you held for them all was apparent. they each smiled back at you as they each took in your loving words, each and everyone one of them held a special place in your heart. your father smiled proudly at you and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead as he looked down at you. 'i love you too my little girl...more than anything in this whole world.'

I smiled at him calling me his little girl every tho I wasn't so little anymore but to him, no matter how much time passed, you would always be the little little girl that needed protecting. even though you stood before him now, having just went through a life changing experience, he still felt the protective fatherly urge to shield you from any kind of harm. seeing your smile was all he needed to know that you were okay and that the pain you experienced before your transformation did not scare you away. 'I'm going to bed' aether snapped barging past everyone and walking out the room.

aether's sudden exit and reaction to the whole situation caught everyone off guard. papa just sighed and shook his head as he looked back over to you. after a few seconds he finally spoke again with a soft tone. 'i think it might be best that we all leave and let her have some time to rest.' he told everyone else in the room, looking directly at them all so that his message was clear. Papa kissed my forehead to say goodnight then walked out, soon followed by all the ghouls except for one. as sodo came and sat back down I couldn't help but get a little bit nervous 'a-are you going to bed?' I asked him. when the other ghouls walked out the room, it was just you and him. he could see the nerves in your eyes and he immediately wanted to come to your side and try to reassure you. 'no i-i'm going to stay with you for the night...i-if thats alright with you...' he replied to you nervously as he didnt mind staying with you but he didnt want to overstep your boundaries, so he let you decide how you wanted this night to go.

'I'd like you to stay' I smiled moving over so he could lay down. that was all he needed. he was so relieved that you wanted him to stay with you that he nearly let out a sigh of relief. he didnt want to leave you all alone especially after everything you had just gone through. he gently pulled you closer to him and laid down next to you, wrapping his arms around you and holding you tightly while he kissed the top of your head gently. he didnt want to do anything that might make you feel uncomfortable so he made sure that he didnt touch the area of your wound. I placed both my hand and head against his chest before whispering 'I love you'.

that feeling of you holding onto him and placing your head on his chest made him feel so much closer to you. he could feel the warmth of your breath on his skin and the sound of your heartbeat made him feel so grounded. when you whispered those three words to him it hit him like thunder. "i love you more than anything.." he whispered softly as he squeezed you tightly. he wanted this moment to last forever and just looking down at you made him feel like the happiest person alive. I ran my hand up and down his chest slightly before saying 'thankyou for staying'. his body reacted to every moment of your touch without even realizing it. your hand felt so soothing and to feel you stroking up and down his chest made him feel so relaxed and contented with you right next to him. hearing you tell him 'thank you for staying' made him feel such a huge wave of relief rush over him as he felt so glad now to see that you werent mad at him for what he had done. the feeling of your touch caused him to let out a deep sigh as he could feel every tense feeling slowly wash away from his body leaving only happiness and love left. your kind words and this feeling was just what he needed right now. "i'll always be right here...always..." he whispered softly while his own hand began to stroke your hair gently as he kept a close grip on you.

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