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'Nice and cool here,' Prisha said, turning her head so the breeze could whisk away the sweat from the back of her neck.

She closed her eyes. The sun had almost completely set. They'd already set up their little tent and sleeping bags. Now, there was nothing to do but enjoy the sounds of solitude and nature and the feelings of a day well spent.

After such a hot, difficult hike the cool was unexpected and much appreciated. Prisha had been worried her sister would complain but she'd gotten through it rather well. Surprisingly well. Guess they weren't too "old" after all. Her sister seemed pleased.

'Pity about the mozzies.' Renee slapped her arm.

Prisha leaned over and searched through her backpack. She pulled out a can of insect repellant and threw it over. It flew right over Renee's shoulder and disappeared into the bushes.

'Nay!' Prisha exclaimed.

'What did you expect? Go on! Go get it then.' Laughing, Renee pulled out her hair tie and shook out her sweaty blonde hair.

Prisha got to her feet with a sigh and retrieved her headlamp from inside the tent.

'You look like an idiot,' Renee said, grinning, as Prisha strapped it on.

'Still better than you,' Prisha grinned back.

'Wait, before you go ...' Renee handed over her empty drink bottle. 'Thanks, Sis.'

Grumbling and smiling, Prisha went and searched for the can. She found it and chucked it back into camp.

'Thanks a bunch!' her sister cried.

Taking Renee's drink bottle, she climbed down the slope towards the nearby creek. Steep and unpredictable, she used her hands and backside, her headlamp flashing into the trees.

The water rushed icily over the rocks, bubbling and splashing. Prisha cupped some and drank. She wiped down her face and the back of her neck. The water gurgled into the bottle and Prisha clamped it shut. She paused to listen to the crickets and the frogs; the rustling of the bats.

It was beautiful out here. She was so glad she was able to convince her sister to come. They hadn't been alone together in a long time. If her sister liked tonight, Prisha hoped it would be the first of many times. Now that the last of Renee's children had moved out, she could no longer make excuses she had no time.

Prisha's headlamp flashed against the water as she stood to leave. It was almost completely dark now, and it was Prisha's favourite time of day. The hike was great, but she always preferred the camping better. She stretched her back with a sigh, then turned her head at a sudden flash of light.

Prisha stared through the trees, eyes narrowed against the darkness. Nothing. She must have mistaken it for her own headlight. She wiped her wet hands down the sides of her pants and took her first step back to camp. Another flash of light. Red light.

She jumped and whipped around. 'Shit!'

Was there somebody else out here? Her heart raced. She thumped her chest as it started palpitating. She saw nothing. She tried to listen but it was hard to hear much through the loud croaking of the frogs. The twilight turned black.

Prisha stood frozen, trying to keep control of her breathing. Shaking her head, she turned back towards camp, only to turn again at another flash of red light.

'Who's there?' she called.

The light came again—and this time it stayed. Prisha held her breath.

'Prish, are you all right?' came Renee's worried voice.

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