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For the next few days Prisha didn't move from her room. She barely saw anyone except for Lucy and Doctor Embry. Three times a day Lucy would enter to take her observations. Each morning, after Prisha had a shower, she would collect her urine. Once, she even collected her stool—to Prisha's disgust.

After the bathroom incident, the nurse was no longer so friendly nor forthcoming, barely saying anything except to ask medical questions.

As for the doctor, he would visit her every evening to see how she was, to ask questions, to assess her tummy and overall health.

'Any dizziness or lethargy?

'PV loss?'

'Body changes, diarrhoea or nausea?'

'No changes,' Prisha told him. His bald head gleamed in the light. He was youngish and muscular-looking and looked around her age. She would have found him attractive if he didn't frustrate her so much.

'Did you tell "them" that Alf is waiting for me?'


He looked down at his notepad.

Prisha sniffed. 'And ...?'

'I haven't heard back.'

'Don't they care? Don't they want to see him?'

'Will they see him?' he asked quickly. 'From what I've heard, they haven't seen him at all.'

'And they never will if they don't let me go.'

'What if you go and he vanishes altogether and we never see either of you again?'

Prisha frowned. 'So that's it? You're afraid if you release me, that will be it.'

'Wouldn't it?'

'I don't know.' Prisha fell quiet. 'What about my sister? Do you know anything?'

'Your sister?'

Prisha explained.

'I will ask for you.' He stood and went over to the bag of fluid dripping slowly into her veins. 'I want to take more blood from you. See how your electrolytes are going.'

'Is that really necessary? You only took some two days ago. I'm not a pin cushion. It hurts, you know.'

'I'm sorry about that but it must be done. If the foetus is growing as fast as we think, we need to make sure you're okay and that we're nourishing you both properly. I've been told you've been eating well.'

'I've been VERY hungry.' Prisha frowned. 'I shouldn't eat so much. Not even for a pregnant woman.'

'And not so early on.' He pondered her with his intelligent eyes. 'There's another reason why I want your blood. We've collected your alien's sachets.'

Prisha's eyebrows shot up. 'Really? Can I have them?'

'We're testing them first. When we're sure they're safe ...'

'Of course they're safe! Alf gave them to me!'

'Did he know you were pregnant when he gave them to you?' When she didn't answer, Embry raised an eyebrow. 'You say he wants to see you. Does he know?'

Prisha bit down on her lower lip. 'I can't read his mind.'

'Then how do you know he's waiting for you?'

Prisha reached up to touch the back of her neck. 'I just know.'

He pursed his lips, unconvinced.

'Don't look at me like that. I'm not lying.' Prisha glared back. 'He's waiting for me. Who knows what he'll do if he is forced to wait too long.'

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